Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | other | Kagatsume, Masaru; Abe, Hideaki; Araki, Kazuaki; Masuda, Kiyotaka; Zulifeiya, Maimaiti; Yamamoto, Yasutaka; Sajiki, Takahiro; Sawaguchi, Daisuke; Tokoro, Setsuo; Iwamoto, Hiroyuki; Nakayama, Saori; Demura, Katsuhiko; Hatakeyama, Naofumi; Doi, Tokihisa | ENGLISH SUMMARY | 英文サマリー | 北海道農業経済研究 | - | 27-Feb-2009 |
article | 阿部, 秀明 | 座長解題 : 食料基地北海道を支える物流の役割 | Common Theme: Role of Logistics Systems Supporting a Center for Food Production, Hokkaido | フロンティア農業経済研究 | The Frontiers of Agricultural Economics | 31-Aug-2019 |
article | 永吉, 大介; 相浦, 宣徳; 阿部, 秀明 | 新たな物流課題が農業生産地域・富良野に及ぼす影響について | Influence of Emerging Physical Distribution Issues on Furano, an Agricultural Area in Hokkaido Prefecture | フロンティア農業経済研究 | The Frontiers of Agricultural Economics | 31-Aug-2019 |
article | 阿部, 秀明 | 日豪FTA/EPAが北海道農業・道民経済全体に及ぼすインパクト | Impacts of the Japan-Australian FTA/EPA on Hokkaido's Agriculture and Economy | 北海道農業経済研究 | - | 27-Feb-2009 |
article | 相浦, 宣徳; 阿部, 秀明; 永吉, 大介 | 北海道物流の課題と農業分野への影響 : 物流分野から農業分野への問題提起 | Problems of the Physical Distribution Sector in Hokkaido Prefecture and Their Efect on the Agricultural Sector | フロンティア農業経済研究 | The Frontiers of Agricultural Economics | 31-Aug-2019 |
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5