Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date |
article | Yambe, Ryota; Hayami, Satoru | Dynamical generation of skyrmion and bimeron crystals by a circularly polarized electric field in frustrated magnets | - | Physical Review B | - | 1-Jul-2024 |
article | Hayami, Satoru | Double-Q and quadruple-Q instabilities at low-symmetry ordering wave vectors under tetragonal symmetry | - | Physical Review B | - | 1-Jul-2024 |
article | Hayami, Satoru | Linear and nonlinear spin-current generation in polar collinear antiferromagnets without relativistic spin-orbit coupling | - | Physical Review B | - | 1-Jun-2024 |
article | Hayami, Satoru | Field-induced transformation between triangular and square skyrmion crystals in a tetragonal polar magnet | - | Physical Review B | - | 1-May-2024 |
article | Inda, Akane; Hayami, Satoru | Magnetic instability under ferroaxial moment | - | Physical Review B | - | 1-May-2024 |
article | Kirikoshi, Akimitsu; Hayami, Satoru | Classification of multiorbital superconducting state based on augmented multipoles | - | Physical Review B | - | 1-May-2024 |
article | Hayami, Satoru | Hybrid skyrmion and antiskyrmion phases in polar C4v systems | - | Physical Review B | - | 1-Feb-2024 |
article | Yambe, Ryota; Hayami, Satoru | Scalar spin chirality induced by a circularly polarized electric field in a classical kagome magnet | - | Physical Review B | - | 1-Feb-2024 |
article | Hayami, Satoru | Three-sublattice antiferro-type and ferri-type skyrmion crystals in magnets without the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction | - | Physical Review B | - | 17-Jan-2024 |
article | Hayami, Satoru; Kusunose, Hiroaki | Time-reversal switching responses in antiferromagnets | - | Physical Review B | - | 1-Oct-2023 |
article | Hayami, Satoru | Chern insulating state with double-Q ordering wave vectors at the Brillouin zone boundary | - | Physical Review B | - | 11-Sep-2023 |
article | Hayami, Satoru; Oiwa, Rikuto; Kusunose, Hiroaki | Unconventional Hall effect and magnetoresistance induced by metallic ferroaxial ordering | - | Physical Review B | - | 15-Aug-2023 |
article | Yambe, Ryota; Hayami, Satoru | Symmetry analysis of light-induced magnetic interactions via Floquet engineering | - | Physical Review B | - | 1-Aug-2023 |
article | Hayami, Satoru; Kato, Yasuyuki | Magnetic bubble crystal in tetragonal magnets | - | Physical Review B | - | 26-Jul-2023 |
article (author version) | Hayami, Satoru; Tsutsui, Satoshi; Hanate, Hiroki; Nagasawa, Nobumoto; Yoda, Yoshitaka; Matsuhira, Kazuyuki | Cluster Toroidal Multipoles Formed by Electric-Quadrupole and Magnetic- Octupole Trimers : A Possible Scenario for Hidden Orders in Ca5Ir3O12 | - | Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (JPSJ) | - | 15-Mar-2023 |
article | Kirikoshi, Akimitsu; Hayami, Satoru | Microscopic mechanism for intrinsic nonlinear anomalous Hall conductivity in noncollinear antiferromagnetic metals | - | Physical Review B | - | 2023 |
article | Yambe, Ryota; Hayami, Satoru | Anisotropic spin model and multiple-Q states in cubic systems | - | Physical Review B | - | 2023 |
article | Kusunose, Hiroaki; Oiwa, Rikuto; Hayami, Satoru | Symmetry-adapted modeling for molecules and crystals | - | Physical Review B | - | 2023 |
article | Hayami, Satoru; Yambe, Ryota | Field direction dependent skyrmion crystals in noncentrosymmetric cubic magnets : A comparison between the point groups (O, T ) and Td | - | Physical Review B | - | 2023 |
article | Hayami, Satoru | Uniform and staggered electric axial moment in a zigzag chain | - | Physical Review B | - | 2023 |