Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 21 to 29 of 29
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | article (author version) | Yano, T.; Afroundeh, R.; Yamanak, R.; Arimitsu, T.; Lian, C-S; Shirkawa, K.; Yunoki, T. | Response of end tidal CO2 pressure to impulse exercise | - | Acta Physiologica Hungarica | - | Mar-2014 |
article | YANO, T.; LIAN, C.-S.; ARIMITSU, T.; YAMANAKA, R.; AFROUNDEH, R.; SHIRAKAWA, K.; YUNOKI, T. | Comparison of Oscillation of Oxygenation in Skeletal Muscle Between Early and Late Phases in Prolonged Exercise | - | Physiological Research | - | Jun-2013 |
article (author version) | Yano, T.; Lian, C-S; Arimitsu, T.; Yamanaka, R.; Afroundeh, R.; Shirakawa, K.; Yunoki, T. | Oscillation of oxygenation in skeletal muscle at rest and in light exercise | - | Acta physiologica Hungarica | - | 16-May-2013 |
article (author version) | Matsuura, R.; Arimitsu, T.; Yunoki, T.; Kimura, T.; Yamanaka, R.; Yano, T. | Effects of deception for intensity on surface electromyogram (SEMG) activity and blood lactate concentration during intermittent cycling followed by exhaustive cycling | - | Acta Physiologica Hungarica | - | Mar-2013 |
article | Afroundeh, R.; Arimitsu, T.; Yamanaka, R.; Lian, C. S.; Shirakawa, K.; Yunoki, T.; Yano, T. | Relationship Between Ventilation and Predicted Arterial CO2 Pressure During Recovery From an Impulse-Like Exercise Without Metabolic Acidosis | - | Physiological research | - | 2013 |
article (author version) | Afroundeh, Roghayyeh; Arimitsu, Takuma; Yamanaka, Ryo; Lian, Chang-shun; Yunoki, Takahiro; Yano, Tokuo | Effect of arterial carbon dioxide on ventilation during recovery from impulse exercises of various intensities | - | Acta Physiologica Hungarica | - | Sep-2012 |
article (author version) | Yunoki, Takahiro; Arimitsu, Takuma; Yamanaka, Ryo; Lian, Chang-shun; Afroundeh, Roghhayye; Matsuura, Ryouta; Yano, Tokuo | Ventilatory response to moderate incremental exercise performed 24 h after resistance exercise with concentric and eccentric contractions | - | European Journal of Applied Physiology | - | Aug-2011 |
article | 千葉, 智則; 石井, 裕明; 高橋, 信二; 矢野, 徳郎 | 高温条件下高強度運動負荷中の血中乳酸と血液浸透圧の関係 | Relationship between Blood Lactate and Blood Osmolarity during High Intensity Exercise in Heat | 日本生理人類学会誌 | - | 25-Aug-2007 |
bulletin (article) | 石黒, 広昭; 宮崎, 隆志; 藤野, 友紀; 内田, 祥子; 東, 重満; 間宮, 正幸; 河口, 明人; 須田, 力; 矢野, 徳郎; 柚木, 孝敬; 川初, 清典; 木村, 純; 陳, 省仁; 佐藤, 公治; 伊藤, 崇 | 発達学習支援ネットワーク形成の基本課題 | - | 発達・学習支援ネットワーク研究 | - | 25-Mar-2006 |
Showing results 21 to 29 of 29