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TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)田村, 勉瓜類の開花に関する研究 (第3報) : 胡瓜の開花並びに花粉の発芽に及ぼす気象要素の影響Studies on the blooming of Cucurbitaceae. (3) : The influence of climatological factors on the blooming and the germinating power of pollen in cucumber北海道大学農学部邦文紀要-25-Oct-1960
bulletin (article)田村, 勉南瓜 (C. maxima) の結実及び果実成分に関する研究 (第1報) : 南瓜の生育並びに果実成分に及ぼす気象要素の影響Studies on the fruiting and certain constituents of fruit in squash (C. maxima). (1) : Influence of climatological factors on the growth and constitutes of fruit北海道大学農学部邦文紀要-25-Oct-1960
bulletin (article)田村, 勉瓜類の開花に関する研究 (第2報) : 南瓜 (C. maxima) の開花に及ぼす光線の影響Studies on the blooming of Cuculbitaceae. (2) : On the effect of light on blooming of squash (C.maxima)北海道大学農学部邦文紀要-15-Jun-1959
bulletin (article)田村, 勉瓜類の開花に関する研究 (第1報) : 自然条件下に於ける南瓜 (C. maxima) の開花時刻とその経過についてStudies on the blooming of Cuculbitaceae. (1) : On the time and the progress of blooming of squash (C.maxima) under natural conditions北海道大学農学部邦文紀要-15-Jun-1959
Showing results 21 to 24 of 24
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Hokkaido University