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bulletin (article)内田, 登一; 中島, 敏夫北海道の風倒木地帯に於けるヤツバキクイIps typographus LINNEの異常発生に関する2・3の考察Some Observations on the Population Density of the Spruce Barkbeetle, Ips typographus LINNE, During the Period of the Outbreak in Forests Devastated by the Typhoon of September, 1954, in Hokkaido北海道大學農學部 演習林研究報告RESEARCH BULLETINS OF THE COLLEGE EXPERIMENT FORESTS HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYMar-1961
bulletin (article)Uchida, Toichi; Momoi, SetsuyaDescription of a new species of the genus Scenocharops Uchida from Korea (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae)-Insecta matsumurana-Jan-1960
bulletin (article)Uchida, Toichi; Momoi, SetsuyaOn the species of the genera Laufeia and Lycorina occurring in Japan (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae)-Insecta matsumurana-Mar-1959
bulletin (article)Uchida, ToichiNeoparacryptus, a new name for Paracryptus Uchida (Hymenoptera, Ichmeumonidae)-Insecta matsumurana-Mar-1959
bulletin (article)Uchida, Toichi; Momoi, SetsuyaOn the species of Polyspincta Gravenhorst and Zatypota Förster from Japan (Heteroptera, Ichneumonidae)-Insecta matsumurana-Oct-1958
bulletin (article)Uchida, ToichiAnomalinen und Therioninen in der Sammlung des Entomologischen Instituts der Hokkaido Universitäet (2)-Insecta matsumurana-Oct-1958
bulletin (article)内田, 登一; 中島, 敏夫; 梅谷, 献二ブナの喰材性害虫に関する研究 (第Ⅱ報)Studies on the Xylophagous insects of the beech-tree (Ⅱ)北海道大學農學部邦文紀要-14-Mar-1958
bulletin (article)Uchida, ToichiEin neuer Parasit des Blaeulings-Insecta matsumurana-Mar-1958
bulletin (article)Uchida, ToichiAnomalinen und Therioninen in der Sammlung des entomologischen Instituts der Hokkaido Universitaet (1)-Insecta matsumurana-Mar-1958
bulletin (article)UCHIDA, ToichiBeitraege zur Kenntnis der Diplazoninen-Fauna Japans und seiner Umgegenden(Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae)-Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University北海道大學農學部紀要30-Oct-1957
bulletin (article)Uchida, ToichiZwei neue Arten und eine neue Gattung der Ichneumoniden-Insecta matsumurana-Aug-1957
bulletin (article)Uchida, ToichiDrei aus den Schmetterlingslarven gezüchteten Ichneumonidenarten-Insecta matsumurana-Aug-1957
bulletin (article)Uchida, Toichi; Momoi, SetsuyaDescriptions of three new species of the tribe Ephialtini from Japan (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae)-Insecta matsumurana-Aug-1957
bulletin (article)Uchida, ToichiUeber den Fichtenwickler in Hokkaido und seine Parasiten, mit der Beschreibung neuer Arten-Insecta matsumurana-Dec-1956
bulletin (article)Uchida, ToichiNeue oder bisher unbekannte Ichneumoniden aus Japan und seinen Umgegenden (1)-Insecta matsumurana-Dec-1956
bulletin (article)内田, 登一; 梅谷, 献二; 奧, 俊夫ブナの喰材性害虫に関する研究 (第1報)Studies on the Xylophagous insects of the beech-tree Ⅰ北海道大學農學部邦文紀要-18-Nov-1956
bulletin (article)Uchida, Toichi; Inoue, MotonoriEine neue Contarinia-Art(Dip., Itonididae)-Insecta matsumurana-Jun-1956
bulletin (article)Uchida, ToichiZur Synonymie der japanischen Ichneumoniden (6)-Insecta matsumurana-Jun-1956
bulletin (article)Uchida, ToichiEin neuer Schmarotzer der Larve von Artopoetes pryeri-Insecta matsumurana-Jun-1956
bulletin (article)Uchida, ToichiUeder die Gattung Spilophion Cameron (Hym., Ichneumonidae)-Insecta matsumurana-Jun-1956
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Hokkaido University