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bulletin (article)和泉, 薫; 小林, 俊一; 秋田谷, 英次; 西村, 浩一北海道の雪崩災害資料(1902~1996年)Data on Avalanche accidents in Hokkaido for the past ninety-five years (1902-1996)低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report28-Mar-1997
bulletin (article)石井, 吉之; 石川, 信敬; 成田, 英器; 秋田谷, 英次; 小林, 俊一; 和泉, 薫; 石坂, 雅昭; 対馬, 勝年; 鈴木, 哲; 早川, 典生; 楽, 鵬飛; 孫, 吉; 張, 森; 李, 君中国黒竜江省嘉蔭・蘿北の気象観測資料(その2)Meteorological observation data in Jiayin and Lopei of Heilongjiang Province, Northeast China, 2低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report30-Mar-1995
bulletin (article)石井, 吉之; 石川, 信敬; 成田, 英器; 秋田谷, 英次; 小林, 俊一; 和泉, 薫; 石坂, 雅昭; 対馬, 勝年; 楽, 鵬飛; 孫, 吉; 張, 森中国黒竜江省嘉荫・籮北の気象観測資料(その1) 1992年11月~1993年7月Meteorological observation data in Jiayin and Lopei, Heilongjiang Province, Northeastern China, 1低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report30-Mar-1994
bulletin (article)秋田谷, 英次; 成田, 英器; 小林, 俊一; 和泉, 薫; 対馬, 勝年; 石坂, 雅昭; 楽, 鵬飛中国黒竜江省蘿北(ローペー)県の気象と積雪調査Observations of snow cover, air temperature and wind speed in Heilongjiang, China低温科学. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences15-Mar-1994
bulletin (article)河島, 克久; 山田, 知充; 秋田谷, 英次; 和泉, 薫; 川田, 邦夫; 井上, 治郎日本海沿岸平野部の広域積雪調査 ⅡData of Snow Survey Conducted during Short Period in the Coastal Region along the Japan Sea, Ⅱ低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report15-Mar-1989
bulletin (article)山田, 知充; 秋田谷, 英次; 梶川, 正弘; 和泉, 薫; 川田, 邦夫; 井上, 治郎雪氷災害の地域特性の研究Regional Characteristics of Snow Damage in Japan低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences10-Mar-1989
bulletin (article)和泉, 薫ぬれ雪の硬度 Ⅲ : 水浸または日射による硬度減少Hardness of Wet Snow Ⅲ : Decrease in Snow Hardness due to Water Saturation and/or Solar Radiation低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences10-Mar-1986
bulletin (article)和泉, 薫; 秋田谷, 英次ぬれ雪の硬度 ⅡHardness of wet snow Ⅱ低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences5-Mar-1984
bulletin (article)和泉, 薫; 秋田谷, 英次ぬれ雪の硬度Hardness of Wet Snow低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences22-Mar-1983
bulletin (article)藤岡, 敏夫; 清水, 弘; 秋田谷, 英次; 成田, 英器; 川田, 邦夫; 和泉, 薫; 岡野, 正; 竹森, 史郎斜面積雪の歪速度と応力(昭和46年冬~昭和52年冬)Strain Rate and Stresses of Snow on a Mountain Slope, Toikanbetsu, Northern Hokkaido.低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report29-Mar-1978
bulletin (article)遠藤, 八十一; 秋田谷, 英次; 高橋, 徹; 和泉, 薫石狩・勇払平野における積雪の特性Regional Characteristics of the Snow Cover in the Ishikari-Yufutsu Plain, Hokkaido低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences25-Mar-1977
bulletin (article)藤岡, 敏夫; 清水, 弘; 秋田谷, 英次; 成田, 英器; 岡野, 正; 和泉, 薫雪崩観測実験室実験斜面の雪質調査報告 Ⅹ(昭和50~51年冬)Snow Cover Observations at the Avalanche Research Station, Toikanbetsu, Northern Hokkaido. Ⅹ (1975-1976)低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report15-Mar-1977
bulletin (article)和泉, 薫; 藤岡, 敏夫積雪の変態と熱伝導率の研究 ⅠStudies of Metamorphism and Thermal Conductivity of Snow Ⅰ低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences30-Mar-1976
bulletin (article)藤岡, 敏夫; 清水, 弘; 秋田谷, 英次; 成田, 英器; 岡野, 正; 和泉, 薫雪崩観測実験室実験斜面の雪質調査報告 Ⅸ(昭和49~50年冬)Snow Cover Observations at the Avalanche Research Station, Toikanbetsu, Northern Hokkaido. Ⅸ (1974-1975)低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report15-Mar-1976
bulletin (article)浦上, 晃一; 小泊, 重能; 佐倉, 保夫; 瀬川, 良明; 太井子, 宏和; 池田, 隆司; 和泉, 薫函館市湯川温泉調査報告Geophysical Investigation on Yunokawa Hot Spring in Southern Hokkaido北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University20-Aug-1975
bulletin (article)山田, 知充; 長谷美, 達雄; 和泉, 薫; 佐藤, 篤司森林限界上部の山岳積雪観測資料 : (積雪表面のレベルの時間変化、ラム硬度分布及び密度と木下硬度の関係)Changes in the Levels of Snow Surface with Time, Distribution of Ram Hardness and Kinosita's Hardness at Sites above Frost Limit in Mt. Asahidake, Hokkaido.低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report15-Feb-1975
bulletin (article)藤岡, 敏夫; 清水, 弘; 秋田谷, 英次; 成田, 英器; 岡野, 正; 和泉, 薫雪崩観測実験室実験斜面の雪質調査報告 ⅧSnow Cover Observations at the Avalanche Research Station, Toikanbetsu, Northern Hokkaido. Ⅷ. (1973-1974)低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report15-Feb-1975
bulletin (article)山田, 知充; 長谷美, 達雄; 和泉, 薫; 佐藤, 篤司大雪山旭岳の森林限界より上部の積雪の観測Variation of Snow Surface with Time, Distribution of Ram Hardness, Kinosita's Hardness and Thermal Conductivity of Snow at a Site Above Frost Limit in Mt. Asahidake, Central Hokkaido低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences31-Mar-1974
bulletin (article)山田, 知充; 長谷美, 達雄; 和泉, 薫; 佐藤, 篤司積雪組織の異方性と弾性波の伝搬連度及び熱伝導率についてOn the Dependencies of the Velocities of P- and S- Waves and the Thermal Conductivity of Snow upon the Texture of Snow低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences31-Mar-1974
Showing results 1 to 19 of 19


Hokkaido University