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bulletin (article)朝比奈, 英三北大農学部の動物学と北海道-北大百年史-25-Jul-1982
bulletin (article)高橋, 恒夫; 星, 元紀; 朝比奈, 英三低温によるウニ脱腸胚の形成 ⅠExogastrulation Induced by Low Temperature Treatment in the Sea Urchin Ⅰ低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science18-Mar-1976
bulletin (article)高橋, 恒夫; 朝比奈, 英三ウニ卵の細胞外凍結による傷害(予報)Injury by Extracellular Freezing in the Egg Cells of the Sea Urchin, a Preliminary Report低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science5-Mar-1975
bulletin (article)島田, 公夫; 朝比奈, 英三急速凍結融解された腫瘍細胞の生存 Ⅶ : -27℃で急速凍結された細胞の電子顕微鏡観察Electron Microscopic Observation of Frozen Tumor Cells cooled rapidly to -27℃低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science10-Jan-1974
bulletin (article)朝比奈, 英三; 大山, 佳邦; 高橋, 恒夫エゾシロチョウの耐凍性 ⅠFormation of Normal Adults of a Butterfly, Aporia crataegi, Developed from Larvae Frozen to Liquid Nitrogen Temperature低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science25-Dec-1972
bulletin (article)島田, 公夫; 朝比奈, 英三急速凍結融解された腫瘍細胞の生存 Ⅵ : 細胞内氷晶の電子顕微鏡観察Innocuous Ice Crystallization within Ascites Tumor Cells of Rat by Rapid Freezing低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science25-Dec-1972
bulletin (article)大山, 佳邦; 朝比奈, 英三ダイセツドクガの耐凍性Frost Resistance in an Alpine Moth, Byrdia rossi daisetsuzana (Lymantridae)低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science10-Feb-1972
bulletin (article)島田, 公夫; 浅田, 実; 朝比奈, 英三急速凍結によって HeLa 細胞内に生じた氷晶の電子顕微鏡観察Electron Microscopic Observation of Ice Crystals formed within HeLa Cells during Rapid Freezing低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science10-Feb-1972
bulletin (article)島田, 公夫; 朝比奈, 英三液体窒素温度で急速凍結された HeLa 細胞の生存Survival of HeLa Cells Rapidly Frozen to Liquid Nitrogen Temperature低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science25-Jan-1971
bulletin (article)大山, 佳邦; 朝比奈, 英三夏のムネアカオオアリの凍結過程Freezing Process of the Carpenter Ant in Summer Stage as Indicated by Freezing Curve of the Insect低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science25-Jan-1971
bulletin (article)島田, 公夫; 朝比奈, 英三HeLa 細胞の凍結様式と融解後の生死Types of Cell Freezing and Post-Thawing Survival of HeLa Cells低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science25-Jan-1971
bulletin (article)大山, 佳邦; 朝比奈, 英三越冬昆虫の耐寒性 Ⅱ : ヒメバチ成虫 Chasmias sp. の耐凍性とグリセリンFrost Resistance and Glycerol in Overwintering Adult Wasp Chasmias sp.低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science25-Jan-1971
bulletin (article)朝比奈, 英三; 島田, 公夫急速凍結融解された腫瘍細胞の生存 ⅢTemperature of Instability in Rapidly Frozen Tumor Cells低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science20-Feb-1970
bulletin (article)朝比奈, 英三; 大山, 佳邦越冬昆虫の耐寒性 Ⅰ : 朽木中で越冬する昆虫 1.Cold Resistance in Insects Wintering in Decayed Wood低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science20-Feb-1970
bulletin (article)島田, 公夫; 朝比奈, 英三急速凍結融解された腫瘍細胞の生存 Ⅳ : グリセリンを加えた細胞の急速凍結Rapid Freezing of Glycerolated Tumor Cells低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science20-Feb-1970
bulletin (article)島田, 公夫; 朝比奈, 英三急速凍結融解された腫瘍細胞の生存 Ⅴ : 生理的食塩水中の細胞の急速凍結Rapid Freezing of Tumor Cells Suspended in Sodium Chloride Solution with or Without Glycerol低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science20-Feb-1970
bulletin (article)大山, 佳邦; 朝比奈, 英三ムネアカオオアリの耐凍性 Ⅱ : アリの体内で最初に氷ができる場所Process of Spontaneous Ice Formation within the Body of the Carpenter Ant低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science20-Feb-1970
bulletin (article)朝比奈, 英三; 久田, 洋子急速凍結融解された腫瘍細胞の生存 ⅡIntracellular Recrystallization of Ice in Rapidly Frozen Tumor Cells.低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science25-Nov-1968
bulletin (article)朝比奈, 英三; 丹野, 皓三耐凍性をもつヒメバチ成虫 Pterocormus molitorius L.A frost resistant adult insect, Pterocormus molitorius L. (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae)低温科學. 生物篇Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological science25-Nov-1968
bulletin (article)ASAHINA, Eizo; HISADA, Yohko; EMURA, MakitoMicroscopic Observations of Innocuous Intracellular Freezing in Very Rapidly Cooled Tumor Cells-Contributions from the Institute of Low Temperature Science-6-May-1968
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