Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | bulletin (article) | 西村, 浩一; 海老沼, 孝郎; 小林, 俊一; 佐藤, 篤司; 成瀬, 廉二; 前野, 紀一 | 雪氷混相流の研究 Ⅱ : 気相雪氷混相流の実験装置と内部構造 | Studies on Mixed-phase Snow Flows Ⅱ : Experimental Apparatuses and Flow Structures | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 10-Mar-1986 |
bulletin (article) | 前野, 紀一; 成瀬, 廉二; 西村, 浩一; 竹井, 巌; 海老沼, 孝郎; 村上, 茂樹; 小林, 俊一; 佐藤, 篤司; 西村, 寛 | 雪氷混相流の研究 Ⅰ : 雪氷混相流の定義と分類 | Studies on Mixed-phase Snow Flows Ⅰ : Definition and Classification of Mixed-phase Snow Flows | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 10-Mar-1986 |
bulletin (article) | 海老沼, 孝郎; 西村, 浩一; 前野, 紀一 | 雪氷混相流の研究 Ⅲ : 雪氷粒子と空気との相互作用 | Studies on Mixed-phase Snow Flows Ⅲ : Interactions Between Snow Particles and Air Flows | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 10-Mar-1986 |
bulletin (article) | 加美山, 隆; 鬼柳, 善明; 岩佐, 浩克; 内田, 努; 海老沼, 孝郎; 成田, 英夫; Bennington, Stephen M. | 中性子散乱で見るメタンハイドレートの動的構造 | Dynamical structure of methane hydrate by neutron inelastic scattering | 低温科学 | Low temperature science | 22-Mar-2006 |
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4