Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | bulletin (article) | 堀内, 壽郞; 田部, 浩三 | 靑酸合成の研究(第九報):靑酸の水に對する溶解度に就て | Synthesis of Prussic Acid. Part Ⅸ:On the Solubility of Prussic Acid for Water | 觸媒 | CATALYST | Mar-1952 |
bulletin (article) | 田部, 浩三 | クロロホルムの分解機作 | The Mechanism of the Decomposition of Chloroform | 觸媒 | CATALYST | Feb-1957 |
bulletin (article) | 田部, 浩三 | 固体酸鹽基觸媒 | Solid Acid-Base Catalysis | 觸媒 | CATALYST | Jun-1956 |
bulletin (article) | 田部, 浩三; 片山, 明石 | 固体表面の酸性度の測定 | The Acidity of Solid Surfaces | 觸媒 | CATALYST | Feb-1957 |
bulletin (article) | 堀内, 寿郎; 渡辺, 佳弘; 田部, 浩三 | 放射性塩素による觸媒の研究:第一報 触媒の塩化水素処理 | Research on Catalysts with Radiochlorine Cl36. Part Ⅰ.:Treatment with Radioactive Hydrogen Chloride. | 觸媒 | CATALYST | Mar-1953 |
bulletin (article) | 堀内, 寿郎; 田部, 浩三; 渡辺, 佳弘; 田中, 一範 | 放射性塩素による觸媒の研究:第二報 触媒に付いた塩素の状態 | Research on Catalysts with Radiochlorine Cl36.:Part Ⅱ. State of Chlorine deposited on Catalysts. | 觸媒 | CATALYST | Mar-1953 |
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6