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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)石崎, 武志; 仲山, 智子; 田中, 夕美子苫小牧演習林における自然積雪下の土壌凍結深観測Frost depth in the ground under snow cover at Tomakomai experimental forest低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report30-Mar-1994
bulletin (article)石崎, 武志土の凍上予測と試験法に関する研究Study of frost heave evaluation and test method低温科学. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences25-Mar-1993
bulletin (article)石崎, 武志; 福田, 正己; 原田, 鉱一郎; 鳥田, 宏行苫小牧における凍上観測(1982-91年冬期)Frost Heave Observation in Tomakomai (1982-1991)低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report30-Mar-1992
bulletin (article)石崎, 武志; 福田, 正己; 平野, 敦パルス型NMR装置を用いた不凍水量の測定Measurement of Unfrozen Water Content by Pulsed Nuclear Magnetic Resonance低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences25-Mar-1992
bulletin (article)原田, 鉱一郎; 福田, 正己; 石崎, 武志凍土の電気比抵抗値の測定Measurement of Electrical Resistivity of Frozen Soils低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences25-Mar-1992
bulletin (article)石崎, 武志; 福田, 正己; 賈, 偉一走査型電子顕微鏡写真による土の粒度分布と凍上性Relationship Between Soil Particle Distribution Obtained by Scanning Electron Microscope and Frost Susceptibility低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences1-Mar-1991
bulletin (article)八木, 陶子; 福田, 正己; 石崎, 武志塩分を含む土の凍結と凍上に関する実験的研究Experimental Studies on Freezing and Frost Heaving of Saline Soils低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences1-Mar-1991
bulletin (article)木下, 誠一; 鈴木, 義男; 福田, 正己; 武田, 一夫; 石崎, 武志; 伊豆田, 久雄苫小牧における凍上観測(昭和53~54年冬期)Frost Heave in Tomakomai (1978-1979)低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report28-Mar-1980
bulletin (article)石崎, 武志; 木下, 誠一上載荷重条件における凍上についてFrost Heave Under Overburden Pressure低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences10-Mar-1980
bulletin (article)武田, 一夫; 石崎, 武志; 鈴木, 義男土の凍結に伴う水分張力の日変化Diurnal Variation of Soil Water Tension During Soil Freezing低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences26-Mar-1979
bulletin (article)木下, 誠一; 鈴木, 義男; 堀口, 薫; 井上, 正則; 武田, 一夫; 石崎, 武志苫小牧における凍上観測(昭和52~53年冬期)Frost Heave in Tomakomai (1977-1978)低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report29-Mar-1978
bulletin (article)佐藤, 篤司; 久保田, 裕士; 小川, 潔典; 神岡, 忍; 荒岡, 邦明; 斎藤, 隆; 鴻野, 繁和; 外塚, 信; 石崎, 武志; 高橋, 修平; 中尾, 正義; 小林, 俊一; 若浜, 五郎大雪山系雪渓調査報告(1977年)Report of survey of the Perennial Snowpatch in Mt. Daisetsu Area (1977)低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report25-Mar-1978
Showing results 1 to 12 of 12


Hokkaido University