Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | bulletin (article) | 秋月, 孝子; 秋月, 俊幸 | ロシア最初の印刷新聞「ヴェードモスチ」 | The First Printed Russian Newspaper Vedomosti | スラヴ研究 | Slavic Studies | 1985 |
bulletin (article) | 秋月, 俊幸 | 嘉永年間ロシヤの久春古丹占拠 | The Occupation of Southern Saghalin by the Russians in 1853-54 | スラヴ研究 | Slavic Studies | 1974 |
bulletin (article) | 秋月, 俊幸 | 校友会誌からみた札幌農学校の校風論 | - | 北大百年史 | - | 25-Jul-1982 |
bulletin (article) | 秋月, 俊幸 | <資料紹介>Khlebnikov, Colonial Russian America, 1817-1832 | Colonial Russian America : Kyrill T. Khlebnikov's Reports, 1817-1832 : Translated from the Russian by Basil Dmytryshyn and E. A. P. Crownhart-Vaughan, Portland, Oregon Historical Society, 1976 | スラヴ研究 | Slavic Studies | 25-Mar-1978 |
bulletin (article) | 秋月, 俊幸 | 明治初年の樺太 : 日露雑居をめぐる諸問題 | The Island of Sakhalin under Joint Possession by Japan and Russia, 1867-1875 | スラヴ研究 | Slavic Studies | 1993 |
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5