Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | bulletin (article) | 肥後, 睦輝; 神沼, 公三郎 | 北大和歌山地方演習林における林間苗圃跡地の更新状況 | Regeneration of Trees on the Abandoned Nursery Site in Wakayama Experiment Forest | 北海道大學農學部 演習林研究報告 | RESEARCH BULLETINS OF THE COLLEGE EXPERIMENT FORESTS HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY | Jul-1989 |
bulletin (article) | 肥後, 睦輝 | ミズナラ,シナノキ,およびイタヤカエデ稚樹の生育様式 | Growth Characteristics of Quercus mongolica var. grosseserrata, Tilia japonica and Acer mono Seedlings | 北海道大學農學部 演習林研究報告 | RESEARCH BULLETINS OF THE COLLEGE EXPERIMENT FORESTS HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY | Feb-1987 |
bulletin (article) | 肥後, 睦輝; 藤本, 征司; 柴草, 良悦; 五十嵐, 恒夫; 船越, 三朗 | 昭和29年15号台風による風害跡落葉性広葉樹林の推移(Ⅰ):30年後までの結果の予備的解析 | Growth and Successional Changes of Deciduous Broad-leaved Forest Stands Disturbed by the 15th Typhoon in 1954 (Ⅰ):A preliminary report on the results obtained in 30 years after damaged | 北海道大學農學部 演習林研究報告 | RESEARCH BULLETINS OF THE COLLEGE EXPERIMENT FORESTS HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY | Feb-1987 |
bulletin (article) | 斉藤, 隆; 肥後, 睦輝; 榊原, 茂樹 | 異なる垂直的営巣環境におけるムクドリSturnus cineraceus Temminckの繁殖成績とヒナの生長 | Nestling Survival and Growth of Grey Starlings (Sturnus cineraceus Temminck) in Nest Boxes Set at Different Heights and Directions | 北海道大學農學部 演習林研究報告 | RESEARCH BULLETINS OF THE COLLEGE EXPERIMENT FORESTS HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY | Sep-1985 |
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4