Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | bulletin (article) | FUJIYOSHI, Yasushi; TANAKA, Hisamichi; KAWASHIMA, Masayuki; MARUYAMA, Ken-ichi; TAKEDA, Takao | Doppler Radar Observations of Blocked Airflow off the Southeast Coast of the Kii Peninsula in Japan | 紀伊半島南東沖に形成された風上弱風域のドップラーレーダ観測 | 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 | Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University | 15-Mar-2005 |
bulletin (article) | 山形, 定; 荻原, 研二; 住吉, 力; 太田, 幸雄; 村尾, 直人; 山田, 正; 藤吉, 康志; 播磨屋, 敏生; 福山, 力; 内山, 政弘; 稲毛, 正昭 | 雲を観る | - | 衛生工学シンポジウム論文集 | - | 1-Nov-1995 |
bulletin (article) | 藤吉, 康志 | 強電場下での雪片の破砕 | Disruption of Snowflakes in an Electric Field | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 22-Mar-1983 |
bulletin (article) | 藤吉, 康志; 遠藤, 辰雄; 山田, 知充; 若濱, 五郎 | 降雪観測用高速三次元ドップラーレーダー | Three Dimensionally Scanning Doppler Radar | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 10-Mar-1987 |
bulletin (article) | 藤吉, 康志; 新堀, 邦夫 | 降雪粒子自動接写装置の試作 | Automatic Close-up Recording System of Snow Particles | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 10-Mar-1989 |
bulletin (article) | 牛山, 朋来; 佐藤, 晋介; 遠藤, 辰雄; 藤吉, 康志; 武田, 喬男 | 石狩湾上における帯状雲の三次元風速場と発達過程 : 1992年1月31日の事例解析 | Three-dimensional kinematic wind field and evolution of a band cloud in Ishikari Bay, Hokkaido | 低温科学. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 25-Mar-1993 |
bulletin (article) | 藤吉, 康志 | 雪片構成要素の短時間変動(序) | Short-term Variation of Snow Particles Comprising an Aggregate | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 10-Mar-1986 |
bulletin (article) | 藤吉, 康志; 遠藤, 辰雄; 山田, 知充 | 北海道胆振管内森野での垂直レーダーによる降水雲の観測 | Observation of precipitating clouds by a vertically pointing radar at Morino in the Iburi district, Hokkaido, Japan | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 18-Mar-1985 |
bulletin (article) | 播磨屋, 敏生; 佐々木, 聰; 山田, 正; 藤吉, 康志; 稲毛, 正昭 | 立坑を用いた雲物理実験設備の構成と雲物理特性 | Construction and Cloud Physical Properties of the Artificial Cloud Experimental System Using a Long Vertical Mine Shaft | 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 | Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University | 20-Mar-1998 |
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9