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TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)KIM, Yun-Geun; WATANABE, Naoki; SANO, Yaeko; URAKI, Yasumitsu; SANO, YoshihiroExtractives of kitakobushi Magnolia kobus DC. var. borealis Sarg. Ⅲ.:Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity of ExtractivesキタコブシMagnolia kobus DC. var. borealis Sarg.の抽出成分(第3報):抽出成分の抗菌及び抗カビ活性北海道大学農学部 演習林研究報告RESEARCH BULLETIN OF THE HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY FORESTSFeb-1998
bulletin (article)金, 允根; 小澤, 修二; 佐野, 嘉拓; 笹谷, 宜志キタコブシMagnolia kobus DC. var. borealis Sarg.の抽出成分(第Ⅰ報):葉のリグナンExtractives of kitakobushi Magnolia kobus DC. var. borealis Sarg. Ⅰ.:Lignans of Leaves北海道大学農学部 演習林研究報告RESEARCH BULLETIN OF THE HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY FORESTSMar-1996
bulletin (article)金, 允根; 小澤, 修二; 佐野, 嘉拓; 笹谷, 宜志キタコブシMagnolia kobus DC. var. borealis Sarg.の抽出成分(第Ⅱ報):リグナンの樹木内における分布及び葉中の季節変動Extractives of kitakobushi Magnolia kobus DC. var. borealis Sarg. Ⅱ.:Distribution in Tree and Seasonal Variation in Leaves of Lignans北海道大学農学部 演習林研究報告RESEARCH BULLETIN OF THE HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY FORESTSMar-1996
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3


Hokkaido University