Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | theses (doctoral - abstract and summary of review) | 高田, 佑太 | Characteristic polynomials of isometries of even unimodular lattices and dynamical degrees of automorphisms of K3 surfaces [an abstract of dissertation and a summary of dissertation review] | 偶ユニモジュラー格子の等長変換の固有多項式とK3曲面の自己同型の力学的次数 [論文内容及び審査の要旨] | - | - | 25-Mar-2024 |
theses (doctoral) | 高田, 佑太 | Characteristic polynomials of isometries of even unimodular lattices and dynamical degrees of automorphisms of K3 surfaces | 偶ユニモジュラー格子の等長変換の固有多項式とK3曲面の自己同型の力学的次数 | - | - | 25-Mar-2024 |
bulletin (article) | 安孫子, 啓介; 藤江, 克徳; 高田, 佑太; 田嶌, 優; 菅原, 朔見; 大野, 優; 齋藤, 琢弥; 富樫, 大智; 幡, 航太朗; 廣瀬, 和也 | 第19回数学総合若手研究集会 : 数学の交叉点 | The 19th Mathematics Conference for Young Researchers : MCYR19 | Hokkaido University technical report series in Mathematics | - | Mar-2023 |
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3