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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)Abe, Takuro; Nuida, Koji; Numata, YasuhideBicolor-eliminable graphs and free multiplicities on the braid arrangement-Hokkaido University Preprint Series in Mathematics-2008
bulletin (article)ABE, TAKURO; TERAO, HIROAKI; WAKEFIELD, MAXTHE CHARACTERISTIC POLYNOMIAL OF A MULTIARRANGEMENT-Hokkaido University Preprint Series in Mathematics-2006
bulletin (article)Abe, Takuro; Yoshinaga, MasahikoCoxeter multiarrangements with quasi-constant multiplicities-Hokkaido University Preprint Series in Mathematics-5-Sep-2007
bulletin (article)Abe, Takuro; Terao, Hiroaki; Wakefield, MaxThe e-multiplicity and addition-deletion theorems for multiarrangements-Hokkaido University Preprint Series in Mathematics-23-Dec-2006
article (author version)Abe, Takuro; Terao, Hiroaki; Wakamiko, AtsushiEquivariant multiplicities of Coxeter arrangements and invariant bases-Advances in Mathematics-Jul-2012
bulletin (article)Abe, Takuro; Numata, YasuhideExponents of 2-multiarrangements and multiplicity lattice-Hokkaido University Preprint Series in Mathematics-2007
bulletin (article)Abe, TakuroFaces of arrangements of hyperplanes and Arrow's impossibility theorem-Hokkaido University Preprint Series in Mathematics-20-Sep-2006
bulletin (article)Abe, TakuroFree and non-free multiplicity on the arrangement of type$A_3-1$-Hokkaido University Preprint Series in Mathematics-5-Feb-2007
article (author version)Abe, Takuro; Terao, HiroakiFree filtrations of affine Weyl arrangements and the ideal-Shi arrangements-Journal of algebraic combinatorics-Feb-2016
bulletin (article)Abe, TakuroA generalized logarithmic module and duality of Coxeter multiarrangements-Hokkaido University Preprint Series in Mathematics-16-Jul-2008
article (author version)Abe, Takuro; Terao, HiroakiA primitive derivation and logarithmic differential forms of Coxeter arrangements-Mathematische Zeitschrift-Apr-2010
bulletin (article)Abe, Takuro; Terao, HiroakiA primitive derivation and logarithmic differential forms of Coxeter arrangements-Hokkaido University Preprint Series in Mathematics-1-Oct-2008
article (author version)Abe, Takuro; Terao, HiroakiPrimitive filtrations of the modules of invariant logarithmic forms of Coxeter arrangements-Journal of Algebra-15-Mar-2011
article (author version)Abe, Takuro; Terao, HiroakiSimple-root bases for Shi arrangements-Journal of algebra-15-Jan-2015
bulletin (article)Abe, TakuroThe stability of the family of B2-type arrangements-Hokkaido University Preprint Series in Mathematics-2-Jun-2006
bulletin (article)Abe, Takuro; Terao, Hiroaki; Yoshinaga, MasahikoTotally free arrangements of hyperplanes-Hokkaido University Preprint Series in Mathematics-22-May-2008
bulletin (article)Abe, Takuro第8回COE研究員連続講演会 : 超平面配置と対数的ベクトル場の幾何-Hokkaido University technical report series in mathematics北海道大学数学講究録1-Jan-2006
Showing results 1 to 17 of 17


Hokkaido University