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TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
articleKabir, Arif Md. Rashedul; Inoue, Daisuke; Afrin, Tanjina; Mayama, Hiroyuki; Sada, Kazuki; Kakugo, AkiraBuckling of Microtubules on a 2D Elastic Medium-Scientific reports-24-Nov-2015
theses (doctoral - abstract and summary of review)Afrin, TanjinaIn Vitro Study on Mechanical Stress Induced Microtubule Deformation and its Effect on Motor Protein-based Cargo Transportation [an abstract of dissertation and a summary of dissertation review]力学刺激が誘起する微小管変形現象とモータータンパク質による積荷輸送への影響に関する研究 [論文内容及び審査の要旨]--23-Mar-2017
theses (doctoral - abstract of entire text)Afrin, TanjinaIn Vitro Study on Mechanical Stress Induced Microtubule Deformation and its Effect on Motor Protein-based Cargo Transportation [an abstract of entire text]力学刺激が誘起する微小管変形現象とモータータンパク質による積荷輸送への影響に関する研究 [全文の要約]--23-Mar-2017
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3


Hokkaido University