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bulletin (article)小川, 貴代; 諸岡, 敏生; 秦, 寛; 近藤, 誠司; 大久保, 正彦; 朝日田, 康司昼夜放牧における乳用育成牛の増体量に及ぼす放牧開始月齢と草生の影響The influences of age at turning out to graze and sward characteristics on the growth rate of whole-day grazing dairy heifers北海道大学農学部牧場研究報告Research bulletin of the Livestock Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University14-Aug-1997
bulletin (article)小竹森, 訓央; 近藤, 誠司; 朝日田, 康司牧草多給方式によるヘレフォード種牛の育成肥育 : 第8報 2夏放牧去勢牛の肥育期間が出荷成績などに及ぼす影響High Roughage Feeding System for Raising and Fattening Hereford Cattle. VIII. Effect of the length of fattening period on fattening performance of steers grazed for two summer seasons on pasture北海道大学農学部牧場研究報告Research bulletin of the Livestock Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University22-Mar-1994
bulletin (article)小竹森, 訓央; 近藤, 誠司; 朝日田, 康司牧草多給方式によるヘレフォード種牛の育成肥育 : 第9報 3夏放牧1産牛の肥育期間が出荷成績などに及ぼす影響High Roughage Feeding System for Raising and Fattening Hereford Cattle. IX. Effect of the length of fattening period on fattening performance of cows of single parity after grazed for three summer seasons on pasture北海道大学農学部牧場研究報告Research bulletin of the Livestock Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University22-Mar-1994
bulletin (article)安江, 健; 近藤, 誠司; 大久保, 正彦; 朝日田, 康司山地傾斜地におけるGPS(Global Positioning System)を用いた放牧家畜の位置測定の精度The Locating Accuracy of Grazing Animal Measured by GPS(Global Positoning System) on Hilly Pasture北海道大学農学部牧場研究報告Research bulletin of the Livestock Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University22-Mar-1994
bulletin (article)中村, 富美男; 西邑, 隆徳; 西海, 理之; 服部, 昭仁; 近藤, 誠司; 小竹森, 訓央; 朝日田, 康司肉用牛の成長に伴う筋肉内コラーゲンの変化Changes of intramuscular collagen in growing beef cattle北海道大学農学部牧場研究報告Research bulletin of the Livestock Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University22-Mar-1994
bulletin (article)中辻, 浩喜; 近藤, 誠司; 諸岡, 敏生; 大久保, 正彦; 朝日田, 康司北大農場における牛乳生産と土地利用 : 1980年代の推移Milk Production and Land Utilization on Experiment Farms, Hokkaido University : Changes during 1980's北海道大学農学部農場研究報告Research bulletin of the University Farm Hokkaido University25-Mar-1991
bulletin (article)小竹森, 訓央; 近藤, 誠司; 朝日田, 康司牧草多給方式によるヘレフォード種牛の育成肥育 : 第6報 2夏放牧去勢牛のとうもろこしサイレージ多給肥育が出荷成績などに及ぼす影響High Roughage Feeding System for Raising and Fattening Hereford Cattle. VI. Fattening performance of steers given high level of corn silage grazed for two summer seasons on pasture北海道大学農学部牧場研究報告Research bulletin of the Livestock Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University20-Feb-1990
bulletin (article)Kondo, Seiji; Saito, Masato; Miyashita, Hiroaki; Nishino, Susumu; Asahida, YasushiSpatial and social behavior of a beef-cattle group on grazing pasture and in dry-lot放牧飼養時およびDry-lot飼養時の肉用牛群の空間行動および社会行動北海道大学農学部牧場研究報告Research bulletin of the Livestock Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University20-Feb-1990
bulletin (article)相馬, 剋之; 前田, 隆; 藤原, 幸彦; 鈴木, 慎一; 高氏, 昇; 朝日田, 康司; 近藤, 誠司付属牧場草地の土壌・土層改良に関する研究 : II. 採草地の土壌水分特性Studies on the Soil Amelioration of the Grassland in Livestock Farm, Hokkaido University : II. Soil Water Regime in the Meadow北海道大学農学部牧場研究報告Research bulletin of the Livestock Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University20-Feb-1990
bulletin (article)小竹森, 訓央; 近藤, 誠司; 朝日田, 康司牧草多給方式によるヘレフォード種牛の育成肥育 : 第5報 2夏放牧去勢牛の肥育方法が出荷成績などに及ぼす影響High Roughage Feeding System for Raising and Fattening Hereford Cattle. V. The effect of fattening system for steers grazed on two summer seasons on the fattening performance北海道大学農学部牧場研究報告Research bulletin of the Livestock Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University20-Feb-1990
bulletin (article)小竹森, 訓央; 近藤, 誠司; 朝日田, 康司牧草多給方式によるヘレフォード種牛の育成肥育 : 第7報 3夏放牧1産雌牛のとうもろこしサイレージ多給肥育が出荷成績などに及ぼす影響High Roughage Feeding System for Raising and Fattening Hereford Cattle. VII. Fattening performance of cows after given their first calf on the feeding of high level of corn silage北海道大学農学部牧場研究報告Research bulletin of the Livestock Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University20-Feb-1990
bulletin (article)相馬, 剋之; 前田, 隆; 鈴木, 慎一; 高氏, 昇; 近藤, 誠司; 朝日田, 康司付属牧場草地の土壌・土層改良に関する研究 : III. 放牧地土壌の土層構成と水分状況Studies on the Soil Amelioration of the Grassland in Livestock Farm, Hokkaido University : III. Phase Composition of the Soil Water Regime in the Pasture北海道大学農学部牧場研究報告Research bulletin of the Livestock Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University20-Feb-1990
bulletin (article)劉, 建新; 大久保, 正彦; 諸岡, 敏生; 近藤, 誠司; 朝日田, 康司大豆粕添加稲わらを給与した子めん羊の発育および飼料利用Growth, Digestion and Utilization by Growing Lambs Fed Rice Straw Supplemented with Soybean Meal北海道大学農学部邦文紀要-31-Oct-1988
bulletin (article)Liu, Jian Xin; OKUBO, Masahiko; KONDO, Seiji; SEKINE, Junjiro; ASAHIDA, YasushiVOLUNTARY INTAKE AND RUMINAL DIGESTION OF FIBROUS MATERIALS OF GRASS OR CORN SILAGE BY SHEEP-Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University北海道大學農學部紀要Oct-1988
bulletin (article)小竹森, 訓央; 高木, 亮司; 朝日田, 康司牧草多給方式によるヘレフォード種牛の育成肥育 : 第4報 春生まれ雌子牛の1産肥育方式が出荷成績に及ぼす影響High Roughage Feeding System for Raising and Fattening Hereford Cattle. IV. Beef production by spring-born female cattle bred once before fattening北海道大学農学部牧場研究報告Research bulletin of the Livestock Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University25-Jan-1988
bulletin (article)前田, 隆; 相馬, 剋之; 矢沢, 正士; 藤原, 幸彦; 鈴木, 慎一; 朝日田, 康司; 高木, 亮司付属牧場の採草地土壌の理化学性 : 付属牧場草地の土壌・土層改良に関する研究 IPhysico-chemical Properties of the meadow Soils in Livestock Farm, Hokkaido University : Studies on the Soil Amelioration of the Grassland in Livestock Farm, Hokkaidio University I.北海道大学農学部牧場研究報告Research bulletin of the Livestock Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University25-Jan-1988
bulletin (article)Liu, Jian Xin; OKUBO, Masahiko; MOROOKA, Toshio; KONDO, Seiji; ASAHIDA, YasushiEFFECT OF RUMINAL DEGRADABILITY OF PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTS ON VOLUNTARY INTAKE OF GRASS OR CORN SILAGE BY SHEEP-Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University北海道大學農學部紀要Dec-1987
bulletin (article)Liu, Jian Xin; OKUBO, Masahiko; KONDO, Seiji; SEKINE, Junjiro; ASAHIDA, YasushiA NOTE ON THE SIMPLIFICATION OF PROCEDURE DETERMINING THE RATE OF RUMINAL PASSAGE OF DIGESTA-Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University北海道大學農學部紀要Dec-1987
bulletin (article)Liu, Jian Xin; OKUBO, Masahiko; KONDO, Seiji; SEKINE, Junjiro; ASAHIDA, YasushiEFFECTS OF RUMINAL DEGRADABILITY OF PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTS ON NUTRIENT DIGESTION AND NITROGEN UTILIZATION IN LAMBS FED GRASS OR CORN SILAGE-Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University北海道大學農學部紀要Dec-1987
bulletin (article)Liu, Jian Xin; OKUBO, Masahiko; KONDO, Seiji; SEKINE, Junjiro; ASAHIDA, YasushiENERGY METABOLISM IN LAMBS FED GRASS OR CORN SILAGE WITH PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTS OF DIFFERENT DEGRADABILITY-Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University北海道大學農學部紀要Dec-1987
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