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article (author version)Tsuyuzaki, Shiro; Sento, Nobusyoshi; Fukuda, MasamiBaidzharakhs (relic mounds) increase plant community diversity by interrupting zonal vegetation distribution along the Arctic Sea, northern Siberia-Polar Biology-Apr-2010
article (author version)Katayama, Taiki; Tanaka, Michiko; Moriizumi, Jun; Nakamura, Toshio; Brouchkov, Anatoli; Douglas, Thomas A.; Fukuda, Masami; Tomita, Fusao; Asano, KozoPhylogenetic analysis of bacteria preserved in a permafrost ice wedge for 25,000 years-Applied and Environmental Microbiology-Apr-2007
bulletin (article)KUSHIDA, Keiji; ISAEV, Alexander P; TAKAO, Gen; MAXIMOV, Trofim C; FUKUDA, MasamiRemote Sensing of Total and Surface Burn Ratios Following a Wildfire in East Siberia Using 30m-1 ㎞ Resolution Images-Eurasian Journal of Forest Research-Mar-2007
bulletin (article)NAKAYAMA, Tomoko; FUKUDA, Masami; SONE, Toshio; NAGAOKA, DaisukeMeasurement of methane flux in a Tundra region near Tiksi, Eastern Siberia in 1992シベリア・ツンドラ湿地におけるメタンフラックスの測定結果(英文)低温科学. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences15-Mar-1994
bulletin (article)石崎, 武志; 福田, 正己; 原田, 鉱一郎; 鳥田, 宏行苫小牧における凍上観測(1982-91年冬期)Frost Heave Observation in Tomakomai (1982-1991)低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report30-Mar-1992
bulletin (article)福田, 正己0℃付近の凍土中の超音波の測定Measurements of Ultrasonic Velocity of Frozen Soil near 0℃低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences25-Mar-1992
bulletin (article)石崎, 武志; 福田, 正己; 平野, 敦パルス型NMR装置を用いた不凍水量の測定Measurement of Unfrozen Water Content by Pulsed Nuclear Magnetic Resonance低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences25-Mar-1992
bulletin (article)原田, 鉱一郎; 福田, 正己; 石崎, 武志凍土の電気比抵抗値の測定Measurement of Electrical Resistivity of Frozen Soils低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences25-Mar-1992
bulletin (article)石崎, 武志; 福田, 正己; 賈, 偉一走査型電子顕微鏡写真による土の粒度分布と凍上性Relationship Between Soil Particle Distribution Obtained by Scanning Electron Microscope and Frost Susceptibility低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences1-Mar-1991
bulletin (article)八木, 陶子; 福田, 正己; 石崎, 武志塩分を含む土の凍結と凍上に関する実験的研究Experimental Studies on Freezing and Frost Heaving of Saline Soils低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences1-Mar-1991
bulletin (article)福田, 正己北方樹の年輪解析の試みSome Dentrochronological Analyses of Tree-ring Samples From Hokkaido低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences1-Mar-1991
bulletin (article)福田, 正己; 張, 津生敦煌莫高窟遺跡を構成する礫岩の凍結 : 融解実験Freezing-thawing Test of Rock Samples from Dunhuang Cave Historical Remains in Northwestern China低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences10-Mar-1989
bulletin (article)福田, 正己; 木下, 誠一; 中川, 茂熱と水の結合した流れモデルによる野外凍上の予測Numerical Analysis of Frost Heaving Based upon the Coupled Heat and Water Flow Model低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences10-Mar-1987
bulletin (article)福田, 正己; 木下, 誠一; 了戒, 公利; 赤川, 敏原位置凍上試験法についてIn Situ Frost Heaving Test Based on the Segregation Potential Concept低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences10-Mar-1987
bulletin (article)福田, 正己; 木下, 誠一; 中川, 茂鋼管に作用する凍着凍上力抑制法に関する実験Experimental Studies on Reducing Methods of Uplift Force to a Steel Pipe低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences10-Mar-1987
bulletin (article)福田, 正己; 木下, 誠一パイプにかかる凍着凍上力の冬期間変化についてChanging process of the adfreezing force to a pipe within the freezing ground during the winter低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences18-Mar-1985
bulletin (article)福田, 正己小樽手宮洞窟壁面遺跡の凍結破損防止にかかわる基礎研究Frost shattering of the carvings in Temiya Cave, Otaru低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences18-Mar-1985
bulletin (article)福田, 正己小樽市博物館外壁石材の凍結 : 融解試験An experiment of freeze-thaw cycles of rock specimens from the walls of Otaru Museum Building低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences5-Mar-1984
bulletin (article)FUKUDA, MasamiExperimental Studies of Coupled Heat and Moisture Transfer in Soils During Freezing-Contributions from the Institute of Low Temperature Science-28-Mar-1983
bulletin (article)福田, 正己; 松岡, 憲知凍結過程での岩石内の水分ポテンシャル分布についてPore-water Pressure Profile in Freezing Porous Rocks低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences22-Mar-1983
Showing results 1 to 20 of 43
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Hokkaido University