Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | article | Kobashi, Gen | Genetic and environmental factors associated with the development of hypertension in pregnancy. | - | Journal of Epidemiology | - | Jan-2006 |
article (author version) | Aoyama, Hidefumi; Tago, Masao; Kato, Norio; Toyoda, Tatsuya; Kenjyo, Masahiro; Hirota, Saeko; Shioura, Hiroki; Inomata, Taisuke; Kunieda, Etsuo; Hayakawa, Kazushige; Nakagawa, Keiichi; Kobashi, Gen; Shirato, Hiroki | Neurocognitive Function of Patients with Brain Metastasis Who Received Either Whole Brain Radiotherapy Plus Stereotactic Radiosurgery or Radiosurgery Alone | - | International Journal of Radiation Oncology 'Biology' Physics | - | 1-Aug-2007 |
article (author version) | Umazume, Takeshi; Miyagi, Etsuko; Haruyama, Yasuo; Kobashi, Gen; Saito, Shigeru; Hayakawa, Satoshi; Kawana, Kei; Ikenoue, Satoru; Morioka, Ichiro; Yamada, Hideto | Survey on the use of personal protective equipment and COVID-19 testing of pregnant women in Japan | - | Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research | - | Oct-2020 |
bulletin (article) | 渡邊, 智; 阿部, 和厚; 西平, 順; 中村, 秀樹; 小橋, 元; 石橋, 輝雄 | 学生参加型IT活用授業「医学研究方法を科学する」 | Student-centered Class Using Information Technology to Study Various Biomedical Research Methods | 高等教育ジャーナル | Journal of Higher Education and Lifelong Learning | 2004 |
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4