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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)宮﨑, 雄三冷温帯林の森林植生に由来する大気エアロゾルと 雲粒生成への影響Atmospheric aerosols originated from cool-temperate forest vegetation and their effects on the formation of cloud particles低温科学-20-Mar-2019
articleMiyazaki, Yuzo; Coburn, Sean; Ono, Kaori; Ho, David T.; Pierce, R. Bradley; Kawamura, Kimitaka; Volkamer, RainerContribution of dissolved organic matter to submicron water-soluble organic aerosols in the marine boundary layer over the eastern equatorial Pacific-Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics-23-Jun-2016
articleBikkina, Srinivas; Kawamura, Kimitaka; Miyazaki, YuzoLatitudinal distributions of atmospheric dicarboxylic acids, oxocarboxylic acids, and α-dicarbonyls over the western North Pacific : Sources and formation pathways-Journal of geophysical research-atmospheres-28-May-2015
articleMiyazaki, Yuzo; Kawamura, Kimitaka; Sawano, MakiSize distributions and chemical characterization of water-soluble organic aerosols over the western North Pacific in summer-Journal of Geophysical Research, Atmospheres-9-Dec-2010
bulletin (article)宮﨑, 雄三; 河村, 公隆; 澤野, 真規夏季の西部北太平洋上における海洋生物起源有機エアロゾルの粒径分布Size distributions of marine biological organic aerosols over the western North Pacific in summer低温科学Low Temperature Science31-Mar-2010
articleMiyazaki, Yuzo; Kawamura, Kimitaka; Sawano, MakiSize distributions of organic nitrogen and carbon in remote marine aerosols: Evidence of marine biological origin based on their isotopic ratios-Geophysical Research Letters-23-Mar-2010
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6


Hokkaido University