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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
articleHashimoto, Nana; Ikeda, Ken-ichi; Miura, Seiji; Morita, Koji; Suzuki, Tohru S.; Sakka, YoshioFabrication of Textured Porous Ti3SiC2 by Slip Casting under High Magnetic Field and Microstructural Evolution through High Temperature Deformation-Materials transactions-1-Feb-2022
article (author version)Tadanaga, Kiyoharu; Morita, Koji; Mori, Keisuke; Tatsumisago, MasahiroSynthesis of monodispersed silica nanoparticles with high concentration by the Stober process-Journal of sol-gel science and technology-Nov-2013
articleMatsui, Daiki; Morita, Koji; Terada, Daisuke; Ikeda, Ken-ichi; Miura, SeijiTi3SiC2–MAX 相におけるクリープ変形に伴うキンク形成とキンク強化の可能性Kink Formation through Creep Deformation and Possibility of Kink Strengthening in Ti3SiC2-MAX Phase日本金属学会誌Journal of the Japan institute of metals and materials1-Dec-2021
article池田, 賢一; 森田, 孝治; 中島, 英治; 阿部, 弘モリブデン<001>対称傾角粒界の粒界破壊強度と粒界エネルギーの傾角依存性Misorientation Dependence of Grain Boundary Fracture Strength and Grain Boundary Energy for Molybdenum<001> Symmetric Tilt Boundaries日本金属学会誌Journal of the Japan Institute of MetalsFeb-1999
article池田, 賢一; 森田, 孝治; 中島, 英治モリブデン〈001〉Σ5非対称傾角粒界の原子構造Atomic Structure of ‹001›Σ5 Asymmetric Tilt Boundary in MolybdenumまてりあMateria Japan20-Dec-2006
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Hokkaido University