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TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)Nishijima, YutakaNotes on Chloropidae in the Amami Islands (1)-Insecta matsumurana-Dec-1960
bulletin (article)西島, 浩大豆品種に対するマメシンクイガの産卵数と幼虫の潜入痕数との関係Studies on the soybean pod borer, Grapholitha glicinivorella Matsumura, with special reference to the egg-laying number and the larvel entrance to soybean varieties北海道大学農学部邦文紀要-25-Oct-1960
bulletin (article)NISHIJIMA, YutakaStudies on the Barley Stem Maggot, Meromyza saltatrix(LINNÉ), with Special Reference to the Ecological Aspects-Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University北海道大學農學部紀要15-Sep-1960
bulletin (article)Nishijima, YutakaNotes on Platycephalisca nigra Nartshuk in Japan (Diptera, Chloropidae)-Insecta matsumurana-Jan-1960
bulletin (article)Nishijima, YutakaOn two new species of the genus Gampsocera Schiner from Japan (Diptera, Chloropidae)-Insecta matsumurana-Jun-1956
bulletin (article)Nishijima, YutakaDescription of a new species of the genus Elachiptera Macquart occurring in Japan (Diptera, Chloropidae)-Insecta matsumurana-Jun-1956
bulletin (article)Nishijima, YutakaNotes on Chloropidae of Japan, with special reference to the species of the genus Elachiptera Macquart (Diptera, Chloropidae)-Insecta matsumurana-Jun-1956
bulletin (article)Nishijima, YutakaNotes on Chloropidae of Japan, with description of a new species (Diptera)-Insecta matsumurana-Jun-1955
bulletin (article)西島, 浩マメシンクイガの幼虫の死亡率、特に大豆の莢及び種子の生長と厚さとの關係 : (害蟲と寄主作物との生態學的研究. 第3報)Studies on the larval mortality of the soybean pod borer, Grapholitha gricinivorella Matsumura, with special reference to the growth and thickness of the soybean pod and seed. : (Ecological studies on injurious insect and its host crops. 3)北海道大學農學部邦文紀要-20-Oct-1954
bulletin (article)西島, 浩大豆に於けるマメシンクイガの産卵部位と幼虫の莢内潜入に就いて : (害蟲と寄主作物との生態學的研究. 第2報)On the boring of hatching larvae and the location of egg deposition of the soybean pod borer, Grapholitha gricinivorella Matsumura : (Ecological studies on injurious insect and its host crops. 2)北海道大學農學部邦文紀要-20-Oct-1954
bulletin (article)西島, 浩大豆に於けるマメシンクイガ幼虫の減少經過及び大豆の被害 : (害虫と寄主作物との生態學的研究 第1報)Studies on the Injuries of Soybean Varieities snd the Decreasing Process of the Larval Population of the Soybean Pod Borer, Grapholitha gricinivorella Matsumura. : (Ecological Studies on Injurious Insects and its Host Crops. Ⅰ)北海道大學農學部邦文紀要-25-Sep-1954
bulletin (article)Nishijima, YutakaDescriptions of a new genus and a new species of Chloropidae from Japan (Diptera)-Insecta matsumurana-Sep-1954
Showing results 1 to 12 of 12


Hokkaido University