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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
articleOgawa, Hideo; Nawa, ToyoharuImproving the Quality of Recycled Fine Aggregate by Selective Removal of Brittle Defects-Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology-Dec-2012
articleFukuda, Daisuke; Nara, Yoshitaka; Hayashi, Daisuke; Ogawa, Hideo; Kaneko, KatsuhikoInfluence of Fracture Width on Sealability in High-Strength and Ultra-Low-Permeability Concrete in Seawater-Materials-Jul-2013
article (author version)Fukuda, Daisuke; Nara, Yoshitaka; Kobayashi, Yuya; Maruyama, Megumi; Koketsu, Mayuko; Hayashi, Daisuke; Ogawa, Hideo; Kaneko, KatsuhikoInvestigation of self-sealing in high-strength and ultra-low-permeability concrete in water using micro-focus X-ray CT-Cement and Concrete Research-Nov-2012
article (author version)Fukuda, Daisuke; Maruyama, Megumi; Nara, Yoshitaka; Hayashi, Daisuke; Ogawa, Hideo; Kaneko, KatsuhikoObservation of fracture sealing in high-strength and ultra-low-permeability concrete by micro-focus X-ray CT and SEM/EDX-International Journal of Fracture-Aug-2014
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4


Hokkaido University