Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | article | Kobayashi, Kunihiko; Okada, Kazutaka; Ozaki, Kimiya; Yamazaki, Yutaka; Notani, Kenji; Inoue, Nobuo | Development of a technical aid for occlusal adjustment during dental treatment under general anesthesia | - | 北海道歯学雑誌 | - | Sep-2017 |
article | 三浦, 和仁; 新井, 絵理; 尾崎, 公哉; 近藤, 美弥子; 松下, 貴惠; 岡田, 和隆; 渡邊, 裕; 山崎, 裕 | 義歯と関連した口腔内多愁訴症例に対しかかりつけ歯科医と連携して治療した1例 | Case of multiple oral complaints related to dentures treated in collaboration with a family dentist | 北海道歯学雑誌 | - | 15-Sep-2022 |
article | 松田, 捺美; 平良, 賢周; 新井, 絵理; 尾崎, 公哉; 山野, 茂; 渡邊, 裕; 山崎, 裕 | 当初は舌痛症が疑われたが,長期経過の後にガンマナイフが奏功した高齢女性の典型的三叉神経痛の1例 | Typical trigeminal neuralgia mimicking burning mouth syndrome successfully treated using gamma knife surgery: A case report | 北海道歯学雑誌 | - | 15-Sep-2023 |
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3