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bulletin (article)SUZUKI, YosioDisorder Entropy of Ice-Contributions from the Institute of Low Temperature Science-14-Sep-1966
bulletin (article)SUZUKI, YosioOn Disorder Entropy of Ice-Physics of Snow and Ice : proceedings雪氷の物理学 : 論文集1967
bulletin (article)鈴木, 義男ケーブル吊り下げ式電動ドリルの回り止めの新方式New counter-Torque Devices of a Cable-Suspended Electromechanical Drill.低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences26-Mar-1979
bulletin (article)鈴木, 義男サーマル・プローブ法のデータの解析についてA Note on Analysis of Data Obtained by Thermal Probe Method低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences18-Mar-1981
bulletin (article)木下, 誠一; 鈴木, 義男シベリアヤクーツクの永久凍土調査Researches on Permafrost at Yakutsk, Siberia低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences25-Mar-1973
bulletin (article)田畑, 忠司; 鈴木, 義男; 青田, 昌秋ボスニア湾海氷調査 Ⅱ : 曲げ強度の測定Ice Study in the Gulf of Bothnia Ⅱ:Measurements of Flexural Strength低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences30-Mar-1976
bulletin (article)青田, 昌秋; 鈴木, 義男; 田畑, 忠司ボスニア湾海氷調査 Ⅳ : 静荷重によるたわみIce Study in the Gulf of Bothnia Ⅳ:Deflection of Ice Beam by Static Loading低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences25-Mar-1977
bulletin (article)鈴木, 義男海面上にできる氷晶の観察Observations of Ice Crystals Formed on Sea Surface低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences30-Dec-1955
bulletin (article)田畑, 忠司; 木下, 誠一; 鈴木, 義男強制変位による海氷内の圧力変化Pressure Change Within the Sea Ice by Artificial Deformation (Preliminary Report)低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences5-Mar-1973
bulletin (article)鈴木, 義男; 石田, 完試作測器による紋別沿岸氷下の海水塩素量垂直分布の測定The Vertical Distribution of chlorinity of Sea Water under the Coastal level-Ice at Monbetsu Measured by New Instruments.低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences10-Dec-1958
bulletin (article)田畑, 忠司; 鈴木, 義男自記霧水量計の研究 Ⅱ.Studies on Recording Fog Waters Ⅱ.低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences30-Dec-1955
bulletin (article)吉田, 順五; 鈴木, 義男斜面積雪の挙動の研究 ⅩⅩⅠ : 平面状斜面につもった波状積雪内の応力Studies of the Behavior of a Snow Cover with Wavy Surface Lying on a Plane Slope低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences10-Mar-1987
bulletin (article)鈴木, 義男正方格子模型の氷の Pauling エントロピーの計算法A Method of Evaluating Pauling Entropy of Two-Dimensional Ice低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences22-Mar-1966
bulletin (article)水野, 悠紀子; 鈴木, 義男静水圧の下での多結晶氷のクリープ実験Creep Experiment of Polycrystalline Ice under Hydrostatic Pressure低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences10-Mar-1989
bulletin (article)藤野, 和夫; 鈴木, 義男静水面における氷殻形成の観察(序報)Observations on the Process of the Ice Rind Formation on the Surface of Still Water (Preliminary Report)低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences20-Nov-1959
bulletin (article)藤岡, 敏夫; 清水, 弘; 秋田谷, 英次; 成田, 英器; 鈴木, 義男; 遠藤, 八十一積丹半島古平の雪崩調査報告Snow Avalanches at Furubira, Shakotan Peninsula, Hokkaido低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences30-Mar-1965
bulletin (article)武田, 一夫; 石崎, 武志; 鈴木, 義男土の凍結に伴う水分張力の日変化Diurnal Variation of Soil Water Tension During Soil Freezing低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences26-Mar-1979
bulletin (article)武田, 一夫; 鈴木, 義男土の凍結時の未凍結土中の水分移動Water Migration during Soil Freezing低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences25-Mar-1978
bulletin (article)木下, 誠一; 鈴木, 義男; 堀口, 薫; 田沼, 邦雄凍上と地下水位との関係 ⅠChange of Water Level During Frost Heaving Ⅰ低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences31-Mar-1970
bulletin (article)木下, 誠一; 鈴木, 義男; 堀口, 薫; 田沼, 邦雄凍上と地下水位との関係 ⅡChange of Water Level During Frost Heaving Ⅱ低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences25-Mar-1971
Showing results 1 to 20 of 36
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Hokkaido University