Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date |
article (author version) | Ishikawa, Kosuke; Fujita, Munezumi; Sasaki, Satoru | Auricular arteriovenous malformation with macrotia treated with transcatheter arterial embolization, polidocanol foam sclerotherapy and subsequent otoplasty following resection. | - | Journal of craniofacial surgery | - | Jul-2021 |
article | Ishikawa, Kosuke; Sasaki, Satoru; Furukawa, Hiroshi; Nagao, Munetomo; Iwasaki, Daisuke; Fujita, Munezumi; Saito, Noriko; Oyama, Akihiko; Yamamoto, Yuhei | A case of combined soft tissue and intraosseous venous malformation of the thumb treated with sclerotherapy using a bone marrow aspiration needle | - | Case Reports in Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery | - | 15-Mar-2015 |
article (author version) | Ishikawa, Kosuke; Sasaki, Satoru; Furukawa, Hiroshi; Maeda, Taku; Miura, Takahiro; Sasaki, Yuki; Yamamoto, Yuhei; Funayama, Emi | Effectiveness and safety of percutaneous sclerotherapy using absolute ethanol and/or polidocanol for maxillofacial venous malformations involving the masticatory muscles : A case series | - | Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology | - | 30-Jul-2022 |
article | Koshiba, Masanori; Tsuji, Yasuhide; Sasaki, Satoru | High-performance absorbing boundary conditions for photonic crystal waveguide simulations | - | Microwave and Wireless Components Letters | - | Apr-2001 |
article (author version) | Ishikawa, Kosuke; Sasaki, Satoru; Furukawa, Hiroshi; Nagao, Munetomo; Iwasaki, Daisuke; Saito, Noriko; Yamamoto, Yuhei | Preliminary experience with intraoperative near-infrared fluorescence imaging in percutaneous sclerotherapy of soft-tissue venous malformations | - | Dermatologic Surgery | - | 22-Feb-2013 |
article (author version) | Ishikawa, Kosuke; Funayama, Emi; Yamamoto, Yuhei; Furukawa, Hiroshi; Hayashi, Toshihiko; Murao, Naoki; Osawa, Masayuki; Maeda, Taku; Fujita, Munezumi; Sasaki, Satoru | Squamous cell carcinoma arising in a chronic leg ulcer in Klippel–Trenaunay syndrome after the Charles procedure : A case with 40 years of follow up | - | The Journal of Dermatology | - | 8-Jul-2019 |
article (author version) | Fujita, Munezumi; Yamamoto, Yuhei; Sasaki, Satoru; Oyama, Akihiko; Funayama, Emi; Furukawa, Hiroshi | Transarterial Embolization and Transmucosal Sclerotherapy That Led to Successful Deliveries in a Patient With Symptomatic Arteriovenous Malformation of the Tongue | - | Journal of craniofacial surgery | - | Oct-2017 |
article (author version) | Ishikawa, Kosuke; Fujita, Munezumi; Takeda, Tomohiro; Mitamura, Shintaro; Nishio, Takuya; Funayama, Emi; Hayashi, Toshihiko; Osawa, Masayuki; Maeda, Taku; Yamamoto, Yuhei; Sasaki, Satoru | Ulcerated infantile hemangioma of the hard palate : diagnostic treatment with oral propranolol. | - | Journal of craniofacial surgery | - | Sep-2020 |
article | 鈴木, 忠敏; 佐々木, 悟; 荒木, 和秋 | シンポジウム報告者に対するコメント・討論(2004年度秋季大会シンポジウム食の「安全・安心」と北海道農業) | Comments and Discussion(REPORTS AND DISCUSSIONS AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY IN 2004: Food Safety and Social Trust in HOKKAIDO Agriculture) | 北海道農業経済研究 | - | 22-Nov-2006 |
bulletin (article) | 佐々木, 悟 | 牛肉市場における家畜商の産地市場再編と存立基盤の変化 | Marketing Strategies by Livestock-dealers and Same Changes of their Functions in the Main Beef Cattle Producing Areas | 北海道大学農經論叢 | The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University | Mar-1991 |
bulletin (article) | 佐々木, 悟 | 牛肉市場における家畜商の産地統合と機能の多角化 : 釧路の産地家畜商を事例として | Integration and Diversification of the Livestock-dealer in Beef Market | 北海道大学農經論叢 | The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University | Jan-1992 |
bulletin (article) | 佐々木, 悟 | 大規模小売商主導による牛肉流通組織化の新展開 : 乳用種牛肉を中心として | New Reorganizing Aspect of the Distribution in Beef Market by Large Scale Retailers | 北海道大学農經論叢 | The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University | Feb-1993 |
bulletin (article) | 佐々木, 悟 | 乳用種の牛肉市場における産地家畜商の性格変化と産地市場再編 : 十勝地域における大規模家畜商の事例を中心として | Changing of Livestockdealer and Reformation by them in Ox Beef Market of Producing Area | 北海道大学農經論叢 | The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University | Mar-1990 |
theses (doctoral) | 佐々木, 了 | 皮膚軟部組織の血管奇形に対する硬化療法の臨床的検討 | Clinical Study of Sclerotherapy for Vascular Malformations in Soft Tissue | - | - | 25-Mar-2005 |
bulletin (article) | 坂下, 明彦; 坂爪, 浩史; 佐々木, 悟; 渡辺, 克司; 植田, 薫子; 田渕, 直子; 太田原, 高昭; 飯島, 源次郎 | 北海道における広域合併農協に関する研究(第4報) : とうや湖農協における合併メリット | A case study of the Amalgamation of Agricultural Cooperatives in Hokkaido (4th Report) | 北海道大学農經論叢 | The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University | Mar-1990 |
bulletin (article) | 坂下, 明彦; 吉野, 宣彦; 坂爪, 浩史; 佐々木, 悟; 板橋, 衛; 北原, 克宣; 佐藤, 信; 渡辺, 克司; 太田原, 高昭 | 北海道における広域合併農協に関する研究(第5報) : とうや湖農協における営農指導体制 | A Case Study of the Amalgamation of Agricultural Cooperatives in Hokkaido (5th Report) | 北海道大学農經論叢 | The Nokei Ronso : The Review of Agricultural Economics Hokkaido University | Mar-1991 |
article | 佐々木, 悟 | 柳京煕著, 『和牛子牛の市場構造と産地対応の変化-和牛改良の進展に伴う精液利用の視点からの考察-』, 筑波書房, 2001年, 143頁 | You Gyonhee, The Changes of Market Structure and Maketing Behavior in Wagyu-Calf | 北海道農業経済研究 | - | 11-Jan-2004 |