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bulletin (article)笠原, 稔; 小河, 富夫; 鈴木, 貞臣1973年チャチャヌプリ大噴火の初期に発生した群発地震Seismic Swarm Immediately before and in the Early Stage of the 1973 Great Eruption of Volcano Tiatia, Kunashiri Island北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University25-Mar-1986
bulletin (article)鈴木, 貞臣; 杉本, 宏一1975年6月北海道東方沖地震の観測Observation of the Earthquakes in the East off Hokkaido in June, 1975北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University30-Jun-1976
bulletin (article)鈴木, 貞臣; 宮町, 宏樹; 岡田, 弘; 前川, 徳光; 本谷, 義信; 中西, 一郎; 高橋, 尚紀1984年奥尻島群発地震の活動The 1984 Earthquake Swarm in Okushiri Island, Hokkaido北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University15-Mar-1985
bulletin (article)鈴木, 貞臣6.松代群発地震のP波のスペクトラム6.P-Waves Spectra of Matsushiro Earthquakes北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of the Hokkaido University20-Sep-1968
bulletin (article)鈴木, 貞臣8.札幌市およびその周辺の1968年十勝沖地震の震度と地盤の関係8.Relation between the Seismic Intensities due to the Tokachi-oki Earthquake of 1968 and the Underground Characteristics in and near Sapporo City北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of the Hokkaido University15-Feb-1969
bulletin (article)Ozel, Oguz; MORIYA, Takeo; IWASAKI, Takaya; IIDAKA, Takashi; SAKAI, Shin'ichi; AOKI, Gen; SUZUKI, SadaomiCrustal Structure in the Central Hokkaido, Japan, from a Seismic Refraction Experiment-Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 7, Geophysics-29-Feb-1996
bulletin (article)SUZUKI, SadaomiLateral Variation of the Upper Mantle Structure around Northern Japan and its Application to Hypocenter Determination-Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 7, Geophysics-20-Feb-1979
bulletin (article)SUZUKI, Sadaomi; KASAHARA, MinoruSeismic Activity Immediately before and in the Early Stage of the 1977 Eruption of Usu Volcano, Hokkaidou, Japan-Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 7, Geophysics-31-Mar-1980
articleKato, Aitaro; Iidaka, Takashi; Ikuta, Ryoya; Yoshida, Yasuhiro; Katsumata, Kei; Iwasaki, Takaya; Sakai, Shin'ichi; Thurber, Clifford; Tsumura, Noriko; Yamaoka, Koshun; Watanabe, Toshiki; Kunitomo, Takahiro; Yamazaki, Fumihito; Okubo, Makoto; Suzuki, Sadaomi; Hirata, NaoshiVariations of fluid pressure within the subducting oceanic crust and slow earthquakes-Geophysical Research Letters-29-Jul-2010
bulletin (article)本谷, 義信; 鈴木, 貞臣; 高波, 鉄夫; 石川, 春義; 岡山, 宗夫資料 函館群発地震の日別地震回数Daily Number of Earthquakes of Hakodate Earthquake Swarm北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University30-Mar-1987
Showing results 1 to 10 of 10


Hokkaido University