Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | bulletin (article) | Sakurai, Yasunori; Ishii, Kiyohiko; Nakatani, Toshikuni; Yamaguchi, Hidekazu; Anma, Gen; Jin, Masato | 15. Reproductive Characteristics and Effects of Temperature and Salinity on the Development and Survival of Eggs and Larvae of Arctic Cod (Boreogadus saida) | - | MEMOIRS OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY | - | Sep-1998 |
bulletin (article) | NISHIYAMA, Tsuneo; SEO, Manabu; KATAKURA, Seiji; TAKAGI, Shogo; YAMAGUCHI, Hidekazu | 19. Bottom Fish Composition and Food Habits in the Southern Water off the St. Lawrence Island in the Bering Sea | - | MEMOIRS OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY | - | Sep-1998 |
bulletin (article) | 小林, 直人; 磯田, 豊; 小林, 雅行; 佐藤, 千鶴; 木村, 修; 山口, 秀一; 高津, 哲也; ロザ, アナ ルイザ | 2006年5月末の北海道亀田半島沖で発生した急潮現象 | The Kyucho occurred off Kameda Peninsula, Hokkaido, at the end of May, 2006 | 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 | Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University | 28-Feb-2009 |
bulletin (article) | Toya, Kenji; Kuma, Kenshi; Kudo, Isao; Yamaguchi, Hidekazu; Meguro, Toshimi; Anma, Gen; Matsunaga, Katsuhiko | On the Nutrient Concentrations in the Northern Japan Sea | 北部日本海における栄養塩について | 北海道大學水産學部研究彙報 | BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY | Nov-1988 |
bulletin (article) | 安間, 元; 増田, 紀義; 小林, 源司; 山口, 秀一; 目黒, 敏美; 佐々木, 成二; 大谷, 清隆 | 夏季北太平洋180度線移行領域周辺の海洋構造とその変動 | Oceanographic Structures and Changes around the Transition Domain along 180° Longitude, during June 1979-1988 | 北海道大學水産學部研究彙報 | BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY | May-1990 |
bulletin (article) | 目黒, 敏美; 安間, 元; 梶原, 善之; 山口, 秀一; 山本, 昭一; 島崎, 健二 | 北西太平洋におけるサンマの南北分布 | On the Distribution of the Pacific Saury, Cololabis saira BREVOORT, in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean | 北海道大學水産學部研究彙報 | BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY | May-1987 |
bulletin (article) | 小林, 源司; 増田, 紀義; 安間, 元; 目黒, 敏美; 山口, 秀一; 高木, 省吾 | 北東太平洋西経155度線上におけるイカ類3種の南北分布 | Distribution and Abundance of Three Species of Squids along 155°W Longitude | 北海道大學水産學部研究彙報 | BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY | Aug-1986 |
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7