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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
articleGuo, Yun Zhou; Nakajima, Tasuku; Mredha, Md Tariful Islam; Guo, Hong Lei; Cui, Kunpeng; Zheng, Yong; Cui, Wei; Kurokawa, Takayuki; Gong, Jian PingFacile preparation of cellulose hydrogel with Achilles tendon-like super strength through aligning hierarchical fibrous structure-Chemical engineering journal-15-Jan-2022
articleZheng, Yong; Matsuda, Takahiro; Nakajima, Tasuku; Cui, Wei; Zhang, Ye; Hui, Chung-Yuen; Kurokawa, Takayuki; Gong, Jian PingHow chain dynamics affects crack initiation in double-network gels-Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)-7-Dec-2021
article (author version)Zheng, Yong; Jiang, Julong; Jin, Mingoo; Miura, Daiyo; Lu, Fei Xue; Kubota, Koji; Nakajima, Tasuku; Maeda, Satoshi; Ito, Hajime; Gong, Jian PingIn Situ and Real-Time Visualization of Mechanochemical Damage in Double-Network Hydrogels by Prefluorescent Probe via Oxygen-Relayed Radical Trapping-Journal of the American Chemical Society-5-Apr-2023
articleZhu, Shilei; Wang, Yan; Wang, Zhe; Chen, Lin; Zhu, Fengbo; Ye, Yanan; Zheng, Yong; Yu, Wenwen; Zheng, QiangMetal-Coordinated Dynamics and Viscoelastic Properties of Double-Network Hydrogels-Gels-4-Feb-2023
article (author version)Zheng, Yong; Kiyama, Ryuji; Matsuda, Takahiro; Cui, Kunpeng; Li, Xueyu; Cui, Wei; Guo, Yunzhou; Nakajima, Tasuku; Kurokawa, Takayuki; Gong, Jian PingNanophase Separation in Immiscible Double Network Elastomers Induces Synergetic Strengthening, Toughening, and Fatigue Resistance-Chemistry of Materials-11-May-2021
article (author version)Yasui, Tomoki; Zheng, Yong; Nakajima, Tasuku; Kamio, Eiji; Matsuyama, Hideto; Gong, Jian PingRate-Independent Self-Healing Double Network Hydrogels Using a Thixotropic Sacrificial Network-Macromolecules-8-Nov-2022
articleLi, Xueyu; Cui, Kunpeng; Zheng, Yong; Ye, Ya Nan; Yu, Chengtao; Yang, Wenqi; Nakajima, Tasuku; Gong, Jian PingRole of hierarchy structure on the mechanical adaptation of self-healing hydrogels under cyclic stretching-Science Advances-20-Dec-2023
theses (doctoral - abstract and summary of review)鄭, 庸Study on the Effect of Polymer Dynamics and Phase Separation on the Mechanical Performance of Double Network Materials [an abstract of dissertation and a summary of dissertation review]ダブルネットワーク材料の力学性能に及ぼすポリマーダイナミクスと相分離の影響に関する研究 [論文内容及び審査の要旨]--24-Sep-2021
theses (doctoral - abstract of entire text)鄭, 庸Study on the Effect of Polymer Dynamics and Phase Separation on the Mechanical Performance of Double Network Materials [an abstract of entire text]ダブルネットワーク材料の力学性能に及ぼすポリマーダイナミクスと相分離の影響に関する研究 [全文の要約]--24-Sep-2021
article (author version)Zheng, Yong; Nakajima, Tasuku; Cui, Wei; Hui, Chung-Yuen; Gong, Jian PingSwelling Effect on the Yielding, Elasticity, and Fracture of Double-Network Hydrogels with an Inhomogeneous First Network-Macromolecules-15-May-2023
articleCui, Wei; Huang, Yiwan; Chen, Liang; Zheng, Yong; Saruwatari, Yoshiyuki; Hui, Chung-Yuen; Kurokawa, Takayuki; King, Daniel R.; Gong, Jian PingTiny yet tough : Maximizing the toughness of fiber-reinforced soft composites in the absence of a fiber-fracture mechanism-Matter-3-Nov-2021
Showing results 1 to 11 of 11


Hokkaido University