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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)Shi, Fuchen; Zu, Yuangang; Suzuki, K.; Yamamoto, S.; Nomura, M.; Sasa, K.Effects of Site Preparation on the Regeneration of Larch Dominant Forests after a Forest Fire in the Daxinganling Mountain Region, Northeast China-Eurasian Journal of Forest Research-Oct-2000
bulletin (article)WANG, Huimei; ZU, Yuangang; LIU, HongmeiEfficient Rooting and Root Development after Transfer of Regenerated Plantlets of Camptotheca acuminate-Eurasian Journal of Forest Research-Dec-2007
bulletin (article)Wang, Wenjie; Wang, Huimei; Zu, Yuangang; Yu, Jinghua; Koike, TakayoshiPhotosynthetic Characteristics of Regenerated Plantlets of Camptotheca acuminata as a Diagnostic for Tissue Cultured Plantlets in Acclimatization in Field Growth-Eurasian Journal of Forest Research-Dec-2007
bulletin (article)Wang, Wenjie; Zu, Yuangang; Wang, Huimei; Matsuura, Yojiro; Sasa, Kaichiro; Koike, TakayoshiPlant Biomass and Productivity of Larix gmelinii Forest Ecosystems in Northeast China:Intra- and Inter- species Comparison-Eurasian Journal of Forest Research-Feb-2005
bulletin (article)WANG, Wenjie; YAN, Xiufeng; SHI, Fuchen; ZU, Yuangang; NIE, ShaoquanA Trial to Accelerate Afforestation of Korean Pine Forests Using a Strip-cutting Method for Deciduous Broad-leaved Secondary Forests in Northeastern China:An ecophysiological approach-Eurasian Journal of Forest Research-Nov-2001
bulletin (article)沈, 艶波; 姜, 洪洲; 聶, 紹全; 祖, 元剛; 高田, 克彦; 玉井, 裕; 寺沢, 実葉中のフェノール性成分によるカバノキ属樹木のケモタキソノミーChemotaxonomic Survey of Phenolics in the Leaves of 15 Birch Species北海道大学農学部 演習林研究報告RESEARCH BULLETIN OF THE HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY FORESTSFeb-2000
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6


Hokkaido University