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Prototype development of educational program for production manager leading new perspectives on manufacturing technology

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Title: Prototype development of educational program for production manager leading new perspectives on manufacturing technology
Authors: Ishii, Kazuyoshi Browse this author
Ikeda, Hiroshi Browse this author
Tsuchiya, Akinori Browse this author
Shikida, Asami Browse this author
Abe, Takehiko Browse this author
Keywords: educational program
new value creation
ABC-G network
symbiotic competition
Issue Date: 11-Jun-2006
Publisher: The International Society for Professional Innovation Management
Citation: Proceeding of the 17th International Conference of ISPIM
Abstract: In this paper proposes the basic concept of an educational system and shows the result of educational program developed for manufacturing manager in leadership roles who wish to create new values in manufacturing technology. The basic concept combines an intelligent knowledge-based approach with the kaizen activity program in a framework of new value creation and comparative advantage models based on the ABC-G network (Academia, Business, Consultants, and Governmental officers). The educational program is based on identifying the roles and responsibilities of each member of the ABC-G network in improving the competitive edge based on the competere concept. The developing case of the program for manufacturing process managers employed by small- to middle-size manufacturers of industrial machinery in the Hokuriku District of Japan, could be identified the new values of the stakeholders of ABC-G network.
Description: The XVIIth ISPIM Conference. 11-14 June 2006. Athens, Greece
Conference Name: ISPIM Conference
Conference Sequence: 17
Conference Place: Athens
Type: proceedings (author version)
Appears in Collections:観光学高等研究センター (Center for Advanced Tourism Studies) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 敷田 麻実

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