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Title: 海水電解装置による漁港内海水の殺菌と漁獲物の衛生管理への応用
Other Titles: Disinfection of seawater from fishing ports by an electrolytic apparatus and its application to fisheries sanitation
Authors: 笠井, 久会1 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
吉水, 守2 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Authors(alt): Kasai, Hisae1
Yoshimizu, Mamoru2
Keywords: 電気分解
Issue Date: 15-Nov-2003
Publisher: 日本水産学会
Journal Title: 日本水産学会誌
Journal Title(alt): Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries
Volume: 69
Issue: 6
Start Page: 955
End Page: 959
Publisher DOI: 10.2331/suisan.69.955
Abstract: Seawater in a fishing port was electrolyzed to induce hypochlorite up to approximately 1 mg/L for the reduction of viable bacterial count because disinfection of seawater is important for the prevention and control of hazards in seafoods. The number of viable bacteria in a fish holding tank was lowered from 10^4-10^5 mg/L to 10^0-10^1 mg/L after electrolization of seawater and the low level of viable bacterial count was kept for at least 3 hours. The reduction rate of chlorine concentration of the electrolyzed seawater in the fish holding tank was reduced by the addition of ice and by covering with a thermal insulating sheet. However, the chlorine concentration decreased when fish were put into the fish holding tank. In a fisher-boat tank, viable bacterial count remained less than 100 CFU/mL for at least 60 minutes when ice was present. It was also shown that electrolyzed seawater was useful for disinfection of deck or fishing equipment.
Rights: 本文データは学協会の許諾に基づきCiNiiから複製したものである
© 2003 公益社団法人日本水産学会
© 2003 The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science
Type: article
Appears in Collections:水産科学院・水産科学研究院 (Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences / Faculty of Fisheries Sciences) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 吉水 守

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