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Geomorphic impacts of tributary fans on mainstem fluvial system in Shukushubetsu River Catchment, northern Japan

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Title: Geomorphic impacts of tributary fans on mainstem fluvial system in Shukushubetsu River Catchment, northern Japan
Authors: Kimura, Takashi1 Browse this author
Authors(alt): 木村, 誇1
Issue Date: 2-Nov-2009
Citation: Sustainability Weeks 2009 Opening Symposium "International Symposium on Sustainable Development -Recommendations for Tackling the 5 Challenges of Global Sustainability-". Session 3, First Hokkaido University Sustainability Research Poster Contest. 2 November 2009. Sapporo, Japan.
Abstract: Tributary fan is a major geomorphic component and can exert significant effects on channel processes along the mainstem. In mountainous regions, numerous tributaries develop fans with various morphology and related vegetation structure. Size and four distinct patterns of vegetation structure of fans were used to evaluate the geomorphic impacts. Channel characteristics of mainstem at each confluence were also examined to understand connectivity of tributary fans with mainstem channel. Catchment size of tributaries relative to the mainstem is a major factor to control tributary fan size, while this efficiency was much differ among the four patterns. In the gorge segment, fan areas were dominated by younger features. In the upper floodplain segment, on the contrary, features of fans were varied from younger to older. Results indicated that geomorphic impacts of tributary fans were affected by not only relative size of tributary catchment but also discontinuous changes in channel characteristics of mainstem.
Conference Name: Sustainability Weeks 2009 Opening Symposium "International Symposium on Sustainable Development : Recommendations for Tackling the 5 Challenges of Global Sustainability"
Conference Place: Sapporo
Type: conference presentation
Appears in Collections:北海道大学サステナビリティ・ウィーク2009 (Sustainability Weeks 2009) > 第1回北海道大学サステナビリティ学生研究ポスターコンテスト (First Hokkaido University Sustainability Research Poster Contest)

Submitter: 木村 誇

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