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Clinical characteristics of pleomorphic carcinoma of the lung

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Title: Clinical characteristics of pleomorphic carcinoma of the lung
Authors: Ito, Kenichiro Browse this author
Oizumi, Satoshi Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Fukumoto, Shinichi Browse this author
Harada, Masao Browse this author
Ishida, Takashi Browse this author
Fujita, Yuka Browse this author
Harada, Toshiyuki Browse this author
Kojima, Tetsuya Browse this author
Yokouchi, Hiroshi Browse this author
Nishimura, Masaharu Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Hokkaido Lung Cancer Clinical Study Group Browse this author
Keywords: Pleomorphic carcinoma
Issue Date: May-2010
Publisher: Elsevier Ireland
Journal Title: Lung Cancer
Volume: 68
Issue: 2
Start Page: 204
End Page: 210
Publisher DOI: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2009.06.002
PMID: 19577320
Abstract: Background: Pleomorphic carcinoma of the lung is a malignant epithelial tumor that contains carcinomatous and sarcomatoid components. Due to its rarity, few studies have been reported, and its clinical and pathological characteristics remain unclear. Method: We retrospectively investigated 22 cases of pleomorphic carcinoma of the lung. Results: Fifteen cases were diagnosed by surgical resection, four by autopsy, and three by transbronchial biopsy. Nineteen patients were male and three were female, and their mean age at diagnosis was 68.3 years (± 10.1). Eighteen were current- or ex-smokers with substantial smoking histories (mean 46.4 pack-years). Sixteen patients had symptoms: hemoptysis and cough were commonly seen. Chest computed tomography (CT) findings revealed that the tumors were quite large (mean diameter 45.3 ± 21.9 mm; range 14-110 mm), and 21 tumors were peripherally located. Positron emission tomography with 18-fluorodeoxy-glucose (FDG-PET) was performed in 12 patients, and the Standardized Uptake Value (SUV) tended to be high (9.44 ± 4.98). In the 15 patients who underwent surgical resection, recurrence was common; systemic metastases were also frequently found. Patients who had received surgical treatment with proper follow-up care survived longer than those who did not undergo surgery. Responses to chemotherapy were generally poor, although one patient exhibited partial response to gefitinib. Conclusions: Pulmonary pleomorphic carcinoma has strong malignant potential with frequent distant metastases, as has already been reported. However, this study demonstrated that surgical treatment and appropriate follow-up therapy might result in better prognoses.
Type: article (author version)
Appears in Collections:北海道大学病院 (Hokkaido University Hospital) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 大泉 聡史

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