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Influence of Planting Density on Root Growth and Yield in Potato

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Title: Influence of Planting Density on Root Growth and Yield in Potato
Other Titles: バレイショの根の生長と収量に及ぼす栽植密度の影響
Authors: Iwama, Kazuto1 Browse this author
Hukushima, Toshie2 Browse this author
Yoshimura, Tohru3 Browse this author
Nakaseko, Kimio4 Browse this author
Authors(alt): 岩間, 和人1
福島, 淑恵2
吉村, 徹3
中世古, 公男4
Keywords: 塊茎乾物重
Solanum tuberosum L.
canopy structure
root distribution
root lenght
root length density
tuber dry weight
Issue Date: 5-Dec-1993
Publisher: 日本作物学会
Journal Title: 日本作物學會紀事
Volume: 62
Issue: 4
Start Page: 628
End Page: 635
Abstract: 栽植密度はバレイショの生育と収量を左右する重要な要因の一つであるが, 異なる栽植密度条件下での根の生長の差異については, 極めて知見が少ない. そこで本研究では, 栽培条件に対する適応性の異なると思われる晩生2品種 (農林1号とコナフブキ) について, 疎植 (23810株/ha), 中植 (47620株/ha), 密植 (95240株/ha) における根の生長の差異を明らかにし, これと葉および塊茎生長との相互関係を検討した. 根の調査は, 萌芽後30日目に深さ30cmまでをモノリス法で, また90日目に深さ1mまでをコアサンプリング法で行なった. また, 生育期間中数回, 葉面積と塊茎乾物重を測定した. 90日目の全根長は, 両品種とも栽植密度の増加にともないほぼ直線的に増加し, またいずれの栽植密度でもコナフブキに比べ農林1号の方が著しく大きな値を示した. 処理間, 品種間の差異は, 深さ30cmまでの耕土層で大きく, これ以下の心土層では密植区での増加が認められなかった. また, 根の生長の差異は30日目の調査でもほぼ同様に認められ, 比較的早い時期から現れることがわかった. さらに, 90日目の全根長は, 同時期の葉面積指数および60日目以降の塊茎乾物重の増加速度とそれぞれ高い正の相関関係 (r=0.929^<**>およびr=0.913^<**>) を示したことから, 生育後期における根長の差異は葉面積の維持および塊茎生長の差異と密接に関係しているものと考えた. また, 密植区では深い土層での根の生長が抑制されるため, 早魃の影響を受けやすいと推論した.
The influence of planting density on root growth and its relationship to leaf and tuber growth were investigated with two maincrop varieties in the potato. Three levels of planting density were examined ; 23810, 47620 and 95240 hills ha^<-1>. The root length (RL) was investigated to a depth of 1 m at 90 days after emergence (DAE). The root length density (RLD) to a depth of 30 cm was also investigated at 30 DAE. The leaf area and tuber dry weight were measured at several stages. Total RL to a depth of 1 m at 90 DAE in the sparse, intermediate and dense plots was 12.5, 15.9 and 24.1 km m^<-2> in Norin 1 and 6.4, 7.0 and 10.4 km m^<-2> in Konafubuki, respectively. These differences were mainly due to those in RL at a depth of 0-30 cm. RL below a depth of 30 cm did not increase in Norin 1, or decreased in Konafubuki in the dense plot. The similar differences were also seen in RLD at 30 DAE. Total RL at 90 DAE showed significant positive correlations with leaf area index (LAI, r=0.929^<**>) and tuber growth rate (GR, r=0.913^<**>) at the late stage. These results confirmed the importance of longer RL to maintain larger LAI and tuber GR at the late stage. They also suggested that poorer deep roots at the dense plot might cause severe drought in dry soil conditions.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:農学院・農学研究院 (Graduate School of Agriculture / Faculty of Agriculture) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 岩間 和人

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