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Conjunctival lymphoma arising from reactive lymphoid hyperplasia

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Title: Conjunctival lymphoma arising from reactive lymphoid hyperplasia
Authors: Fukuhara, Junichi Browse this author
Kase, Satoru Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Noda, Mika Browse this author
Ishijima, Kan Browse this author
Yamamoto, Teppei Browse this author
Ishida, Susumu Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Keywords: Conjunctiva
Extra nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma
Reactive lymphoid hyperplasia
Issue Date: 18-Sep-2012
Publisher: BioMed Central
Journal Title: World Journal of Surgical Oncology
Volume: 10
Start Page: 194
Publisher DOI: 10.1186/1477-7819-10-194
Abstract: Extra nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (EMZL) of the conjunctiva typically arises in the marginal zone of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue. The pathogenesis of conjunctival EMZL remains unknown. We describe an unusual case of EMZL arising from reactive lymphoid hyperplasia (RLH) of the conjunctiva. A 35-year-old woman had fleshy salmon-pink conjunctival tumors in both eyes, oculus uterque (OU). Specimens from conjunctival tumors in the right eye, oculus dexter (OD), revealed a collection of small lymphoid cells in the stroma. Immunohistochemically, immunoglobulin (Ig) light chain restriction was not detected. In contrast, diffuse atypical lymphoid cell infiltration was noted in the left eye, oculus sinister (OS), and positive for CD20, a marker for B cells OS. The tumors were histologically diagnosed as RLH OD, and EMZL OS. PCR analysis detected IgH gene rearrangement in the joining region (JH) region OU. After 11 months, a re-biopsy specimen demonstrated EMZL based on compatible pathological and genetic findings OD, arising from RLH. This case suggests that even if the diagnosis of the conjunctival lymphoproliferative lesions is histologically benign, confirmation of the B-cell clonality by checking IgH gene rearrangement should be useful to predict the incidence of malignancy.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:医学院・医学研究院 (Graduate School of Medicine / Faculty of Medicine) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 加瀬 諭

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