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Spectral and Transient Luminescence Measurements on GaSb/AlGaSb Quantum Wells Grown on GaSb/GaAs Heterojunctions with and without Interfacial Misfit Arrays

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Title: Spectral and Transient Luminescence Measurements on GaSb/AlGaSb Quantum Wells Grown on GaSb/GaAs Heterojunctions with and without Interfacial Misfit Arrays
Authors: Jahan, Nahid A. Browse this author
Ahirwar, Pankaj Browse this author
Rotter, Thomas J. Browse this author
Balakrishnan, Ganesh Browse this author
Kumano, Hidekazu Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Suemune, Ikuo Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Issue Date: Jan-2013
Publisher: The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Journal Title: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
Volume: 52
Start Page: 022101
Publisher DOI: 10.7567/JJAP.52.022101
Abstract: Growth of 90° interfacial-misfit-dislocation (IMF) array at heterointerfaces offers low dislocation densities in highly mismatched heterostructures such as GaSb/GaAs. We investigated time-integrated and time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) properties of a GaSb/AlGaSb quantum well (QW) structure grown on (001) GaAs substrate with and without IMF array at the GaSb-buffer/GaAs interface. Our observation reveals that the low-temperature PL from the QW with IMF is twice more intense than that of the QW without IMF, indicating higher quantum efficiency with IMF. The QW with IMF also exhibited the band filling effect at higher excitation power revealed from the spectrally resolved PL decay measurements. These results are the indication of subdued dislocation density with the IMF growth mode. Our PL measurement results along with supportive band-structure calculation of the GaSb/AlGaSb QW show that the luminescence efficiency of the present QW structure is limited by the hole leakage at elevated temperature. Therefore the IMF effect will be more clearly demonstrated by replacing the heterostructure with the one with higher band-offsets.
Rights: © 2013 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Type: article (author version)
Appears in Collections:電子科学研究所 (Research Institute for Electronic Science) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 末宗 幾夫

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