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Application of human urine as liquid fertilizer in agriculture

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Title: Application of human urine as liquid fertilizer in agriculture
Other Titles: 尿の農業利用に関する研究
Authors: Sene, Moustapha Browse this author
Issue Date: 25-Sep-2013
Publisher: Hokkaido University
Abstract: Human urine fraction contains the major plants nutrients in domestic wastewater, with 80% of the nitrogen (N), 55% of the phosphorus (P) and 60 % of the potassium (K). Thus, urine has a potential to be reused in agriculture as a liquid fertilizer in order to replace industrial fertilizer, especially in marginal area of developing countries, where accessibility of fertilizer for the farmers when needed in currently a great concerns. Therefore in recent years, human urine has been compared successfully with commercial fertilizer, using diverse types of vegetables and cereals. However, urine contains some salts, pathogens, pharmaceuticals and hormones. Concerning salts issues too much urine application in agriculture land may cause accumulation of several ions in soil. Among these ions, excess of sodium (Na) in soil, inhibits plant growth; while excess of N can built up in plant tissue and affect negatively amount of sugar and vitamin in vegetables, causing therefore health and taste issues to consumer. Subsequently, to address salts issues and provide a better understanding of urine application in agriculture, this present research work was carried out with these following specific objectives 1) evaluate when and how often-human urine should be applied in agriculture as liquid fertilizer 2) examine the effects of uncontrolled application of human urine dose in agriculture 3) examine the effects of continuous application of uncontrolled human urine application dose in agriculture. From this research it was suggested that human urine application at one time before seedling is not effective for plant growth. Besides, application of adequate human urine volume should be based on plant N requirement, and management of salts from urine is required even in the adequate urine volume application for its sustainable reuse in agriculture. Chapter 1 This chapter describes the advantages and disadvantages of using human urine as liquid fertilizer in agriculture, summarizes the state of the art regarding its reuse in agriculture and then outlines the different objectives of this present research. Chapter 2 This chapter addresses when and how often-human urine should be applied agriculture as liquid fertilizer. Thus, pot test was conducted in greenhouse using synthetic urine, spinach and sandy soil as media. Seven treatments, those apply same amount of urine in different pattern and control (total 8 cases) were set to know adequate urine application way. From this research, the results revealed that, human urine application at one time before cultivation is not effective for Furthermore, application of triple volume of urine (U-3Vo) (U-3Vo) caused an accumulation of nitrogen and sodium in soil and promoted high N lost (>24 %) from soil. While, adequate urine application (U-Vo) caused a low N lost (<18%) from soil and no accumulation of N was observed, but more than 50 % of the total sodium applied through urine and irrigation water remained in soil after one time cultivation. Therefore, application of adequate human urine volume based on plant N requirement might be a better option for its sustainable reuse in agriculture. Chapter 4 This chapter examines the effects of continuous application of extra human urine volume on plant and soil through continuous cultivation. Thus, the experiment was pursued using same soil, same plant (Komatsuna) and similar rate of fertilizer as designed in the 1st cultivation and then 2nd and 3rd times cultivation were performed. The results revealed that continuous application of extra urine volume in the range of 2-3 times higher than plant requirement had no inhibition effects on plant growth and yield after three times cultivations, since treated soils EC were still in the none soil saline zone [0-2 mS/cm] given by FAO (1998); and more than 40 % of the total Na applied through urine and irrigation water was removed by plant from soil in all urine treatments and might probably contributed to mitigate Na ion accumulation in soil. However, urine causes nutritional imbalance, but this phenomenon was not accelerated under three time cultivations with applications of extra urine volumes (U-2Vo and U-3Vo). Continuous application of double and triple volumes of urine increased nitrogen contents and plants decreased K/Na ratio. Moreover, accumulation of nitrogen and sodium occurred in triples volumes urine application (U-3Vo). Therefore, adequate application of human urine based on nitrogen (N) requirement is a suitable way for its sustainable reuse in agriculture, since no accumulation of nitrogen in soil and no increase of N in plant tissues, but plant K/Na ratio decreases compared to the positive control, modified Hoagland’s solution (V-H). Furthermore, from one cultivation to another, soil EC increased in all urine treatments including, and about 60 % of the total Na applied through urine and irrigation water when considering 1st, 2nd and 3rd cultivation, remained in soil in urine treatments (U-Vo, U-2Vo and U-3Vo). Therefore, management of salts from urine is required even in the adequate urine volume application when urine is continuously used in the farmland as a liquid fertilizer. Chapter 5, Conclusion and recommendations. This chapter summarized the major findings of this research work and proposes some recommendations for a sustainable reuse of urine in agriculture.
Conffering University: 北海道大学
Degree Report Number: 甲第11135号
Degree Level: 博士
Degree Discipline: 工学
Examination Committee Members: (主査) 教授 船水 尚行, 教授 高橋 正宏, 教授 大崎 満(農学研究院)
Degree Affiliation: 工学院(環境創生工学専攻)
Type: theses (doctoral)
Appears in Collections:学位論文 (Theses) > 博士 (工学)
課程博士 (Doctorate by way of Advanced Course) > 工学院(Graduate School of Engineering)

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