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Collision-induced desorption in 193-nm photoinduced reactions in (O2+CO) adlayers on Pt(112)

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Title: Collision-induced desorption in 193-nm photoinduced reactions in (O2+CO) adlayers on Pt(112)
Authors: Han, Song Browse this author
Ma, Yunsheng Browse this author
Matsushima, Tatsuo3 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Authors(alt): 松島, 龍夫3
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: American Institute of Physics
Journal Title: The Journal of Chemical Physics
Volume: 123
Start Page: 094702
Publisher DOI: 10.1063/1.2006678
PMID: 16164357
Abstract: The spatial distribution of desorbing O2 and CO2 was examined in 193-nm photoinduced reactions in O2+CO adlayers on stepped Pt(112)=[(s)3(111)x(001)]. The O2 desorption collimated in inclined ways in the plane along the surface trough, confirming the hot-atom collision mechanism. In the presence of CO(a), the product CO2 desorption also collimated in an inclined way, whereas the inclined O2 desorption was suppressed. The inclined O2 and CO2 desorption is explained by a common collision-induced desorption model. At high O2 coverage, the CO2 desorption collimated closely along the (111) terrace normal.
Rights: Copyright© 2005 American Institute of Physics.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:触媒科学研究所 (Institute for Catalysis) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 松島 龍夫

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