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Title: 日本産食虫目動物が有する内側足根突起の比較解剖
Other Titles: The arrangement of the foot pads in Japanese insectivorae suit with the requirements of locomotion
Authors: 高橋, 裕1 Browse this author
松村, 秋芳2 Browse this author
新屋敷, 文春3 Browse this author
藤野, 健4 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
原田, 正史5 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
大舘, 智志6 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Authors(alt): Takahashi, Yutaka1
Matsumura, Akiyoshi2
Shinyashiki, Humiharu3
Fujino, Ken4
Harada, Masahumi5
Ohdachi, Satoshi6
Keywords: Insectivora
foot pad
Medical tarsal process
Medial tarsal bone
Comparative anatomy
Issue Date: Mar-2009
Publisher: 防衛医科大学校
Journal Title: 防衛医科大学校進学課程研究紀要
Volume: 32
Start Page: 109
End Page: 116
Abstract: アズマモグラ (Mogera wogura,imaizumi) は足の母指側に指様の [内側足根突起 ; Medial tarsal process] を持つ。突起に収まる [内側足根骨 ; Medial tarsal bone] の顕微解剖所見も既に報告している。今回は、内側足根突起が、他の国産食虫目動物でも認められるのか調べた。
The foot pads were studied in Japanese insectivorae; Talpidae (Mogera wogura, Urotrichus talpoide), and Soricidae (Suncus murinus, Sorex unguiculatus). The feature and arrangement of pads suit with the specie specific patterns of locomotion in each species. Mole (Mogera wogura) possesses the medial tarsal process as same as those in sibling mole (Mogera imaizumii). The others (Urotrichus, Suncs and Sorex) have metatarsal pad.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:低温科学研究所 (Institute of Low Temperature Science) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 大舘 智志

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