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Impact of FDG PET in optimizing patient selection for cytoreductive surgery in recurrent ovarian cancer

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Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging_41(3)_446-451.pdf646.57 kBPDFView/Open
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Title: Impact of FDG PET in optimizing patient selection for cytoreductive surgery in recurrent ovarian cancer
Authors: Ebina, Yasuhiko Browse this author
Watari, Hidemichi Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Kaneuchi, Masanori Browse this author
Takeda, Mahito Browse this author
Hosaka, Masayoshi Browse this author
Kudo, Masataka Browse this author
Yamada, Hideto Browse this author
Sakuragi, Noriaki Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Keywords: Ovarian cancer
Issue Date: Mar-2014
Publisher: Springer
Journal Title: European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging
Volume: 41
Issue: 3
Start Page: 446
End Page: 451
Publisher DOI: 10.1007/s00259-013-2610-9
PMID: 24221243
Abstract: Purpose To investigate the impact of PET and PET/CT scanning on decision-making in management planning and to identify the optimal setting for selecting candidates for surgery in suspicious recurrent ovarian cancer. Methods A retrospective chart review was performed in patients with possible recurrent ovarian cancer after primary optimal cytoreduction and taxane/carboplatin chemotherapy who had undergone FDG PET or FDG PET/CT scans from July 2002 to August 2008 to help make treatment decisions. The analysis included 44 patients who had undergone a total of 89 PET scans. The positive PET scans were classified as follows. (1) localized (one or two localized sites of FDG uptake), (2) multiple (three or more sites of FDG uptake), (3) diffuse (extensive low-grade activity outlining serosal and peritoneal surfaces). Results Of the 89 PET scans, 52 (58.4 %) led to a change in management plan. The total number of patients in whom cytoreductive surgery was selected as the treatment of choice increased from 12 to 35. Miliary disseminated disease, which was not detected by PET scan, was found in 22.2 % of those receiving surgery. Miliary disseminated disease was detected in 6 of the 12 patients with recurrent disease whose treatment-free interval (TFI) was <12 months, whereas none of those with a TFI of >= 12 months had such disease (P = 0.0031). Conclusion PET or PET/CT is useful for selecting candidates for cytoreductive surgery among patients with recurrent ovarian cancer. To avoid surgical attempts in those with miliary dissemination, patients with a TFI of >= 12 months are the best candidates for cytoreductive surgery.
Rights: The final publication is available at Springer via
Type: article (author version)
Appears in Collections:医学院・医学研究院 (Graduate School of Medicine / Faculty of Medicine) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 櫻木 範明

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