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Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Graduate School of Public Policy / Faculty of Public Policy >
年報 公共政策学 = Annals, public policy studies >
第9号 >

人口減少・超高齢化時代における総合計画と住民参加のあり方 : 北海道石狩市における総合計画策定事例からの考察

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Title: 人口減少・超高齢化時代における総合計画と住民参加のあり方 : 北海道石狩市における総合計画策定事例からの考察
Other Titles: Comprehensive Plan and Citizen Participation in an aging society and a shrinking population
Authors: 蛯子, 准吏1 Browse this author
Authors(alt): Ebiko, Hitoshi1
Keywords: ging society
shrinking population
regional policy
comprehensive plan
citizen participation
comprehensive administration
Public Management
sustainable regional communities
learning cycle
Issue Date: 31-Mar-2015
Publisher: 北海道大学公共政策大学院
Journal Title: 年報 公共政策学
Journal Title(alt): Annals, Public Policy Studies
Volume: 9
Start Page: 71
End Page: 86
Abstract: Local Government aimed at population growth and enhancement of social welfare in Comprehensive Plan. Now, there is no other choice to the roles of Comprehensive Plan but to make changes while the birth rate is shrinking, the aging is advancing, and the depopulation is intensifying to increase the financial burden of governmental administrations. This paper examines Comprehensive Plan and Citizen Participation about Ishikari City, Hokkaido. It is focused on learning and evolution as a new role of Comprehensive Plan and Citizen Participation. These are new points of views of local administration for creating new sustainable regional communities.
Type: bulletin (article)
Appears in Collections:年報 公共政策学 = Annals, public policy studies > 第9号

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