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Tide-modulated ice flow variations drive seismicity near the calving front of Bowdoin Glacier, Greenland

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Title: Tide-modulated ice flow variations drive seismicity near the calving front of Bowdoin Glacier, Greenland
Authors: Podolskiy, Evgeny A. Browse this author
Sugiyama, Shin Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Funk, Martin Browse this author
Walter, Fabian Browse this author
Genco, Riccardo Browse this author
Tsutaki, Shun Browse this author
Minowa, Masahiro Browse this author
Ripepe, Maurizio Browse this author
Keywords: cryoseismicity
strain rate
calving front
Issue Date: 16-Mar-2016
Publisher: American Geophysical Union
Journal Title: Geophysical research letters
Volume: 43
Issue: 5
Start Page: 2036
End Page: 2044
Publisher DOI: 10.1002/2016GL067743
Abstract: Glacier microseismicity is a promising tool to study glacier dynamics. However, physical processes connecting seismic signals and ice dynamics are not clearly understood at present. Particularly, the relationship between tide-modulated seismicity and dynamics of calving glaciers remains elusive. Here we analyze records from an on-ice seismometer placed 250m from the calving front of Bowdoin Glacier, Greenland. Using high-frequency glacier flow speed measurements, we show that the microseismic activity is related to strain rate variations. The seismic activity correlates with longitudinal stretching measured at the glacier surface. Both higher melt rates and falling tides accelerate glacier motion and increase longitudinal stretching. Long-term microseismic monitoring could therefore provide insights on how a calving glacier's force balance and flow regime react to changes at the ice-ocean interface.
Rights: ©2016. The Authors. Tide-modulated ice flow variations drive seismicity near the calving front of Bowdoin Glacier, Greenland, Geophys. Res. Lett.,43, 2036-2044, doi:10.1002/2016GL067743.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:北極域研究センター (Arctic Research Center) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: Evgeny A. Podolskiy

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