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フロンティア農業経済研究 = The Frontiers of Agricultural Economics >
第19巻 第2号 >

農地賃貸借展開地域における大規模水田作経営の出作、通い作の現段階的性格 : 北陸、北海道の動き

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Title: 農地賃貸借展開地域における大規模水田作経営の出作、通い作の現段階的性格 : 北陸、北海道の動き
Other Titles: Farmland accumulation beyond a village of large-scale paddy farming management in a farmland lease development area : Hokuriku and Hokkaido
Authors: 細山, 隆夫1 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Authors(alt): Hosoyama, Takao1
Issue Date: Sep-2016
Publisher: 北海道農業経済学会
Journal Title: フロンティア農業経済研究
Volume: 19
Issue: 2
Start Page: 53
End Page: 68
Abstract: In this paper, This stage-like character about the farmland accumulation of large-scale paddy farming management was made clear. Target areas are Hokuriku area Joetsu-city, Niigata Miwa ward and Hokkaido Toma-town. A farmland lease is active both areas. Farm retirement is developed substantially in the two areas. And the next common character was pointed out by a movement of large-scale farm. (1) Though a village had a peculiar territory in Hokuriku area, it was in the condition of the 1ha division farmland. Faced accumulation in a farmland is being developed by large-scale farm. In spite of the inside and outside of the country where that's a rural community. (2) A village is the genus person group in Hokkaido. Therefore scale expansion beyond a village is the premise by large-scale farm. And faced accumulation is developed. While a relation with a village is thin, scale expansion and faced accumulation are developed.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:フロンティア農業経済研究 = The Frontiers of Agricultural Economics > 第19巻 第2号

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