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第38巻 記念特集号 >

Characteristics and properties of gingival mesenchymal stem cells

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Title: Characteristics and properties of gingival mesenchymal stem cells
Authors: Iizuka, Tadashi Browse this author
Takahashi, Tomomi Browse this author
Ushijima, Natsumi Browse this author
Keywords: mesenchymal stem cell
multilineage differentiation
Issue Date: Sep-2017
Publisher: 北海道歯学会
Journal Title: 北海道歯学雑誌
Volume: 38
Issue: Special issue
Start Page: 40
End Page: 46
Abstract: The gingiva is a unique oral tissue overlaying the alveolar ridges. It is recognized as a biological mucosal barrier and a distinct component of the oral mucosal immunity. This tissue can easily be obtained in the clinic as a discarded biological sample. Recently, gingival mesenchymal stem cells (G-MSCs) have been isolated and characterized as abundant and easily accessible, as compared to other mesenchymal stem cell sources. Many reports described G-MSCs as having much potential for multilineage differentiation and show remarkable tissue regenerative properties. Primary experimental therapeutic applications of G-MSCs are potentially superior to conventional clinical treatment modalities. Several studies have recently applied G-MSCs to stem cell-based therapy and revealed that G-MSCs have many advantages as a candidate cell source for bone regeneration and periodontal tissue regeneration. This review summarizes the scientific evidence on G-MSCs' isolation, their characterization, and their regenerative properties.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:北海道歯学雑誌 > 第38巻 記念特集号

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