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Convergence of scattering operators for the Klein-Gordon equation with a nonlocal nonlinearity

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Title: Convergence of scattering operators for the Klein-Gordon equation with a nonlocal nonlinearity
Authors: Sasaki, Hironobu Browse this author
Keywords: Klein-Gordon equation
scattering operator
Hartree term
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: Department of Mathematics, Hokkaido University
Journal Title: Hokkaido University Preprint Series in Mathematics
Volume: 786
Start Page: 1
End Page: 13
Abstract: We consider the scattering problems for two types of nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations. One is the equation of the Hartree type, and the other one is the equation with power nonlinearity. We show that the scattering operator for the equation of the Hartree type converges to that for the one with power nonlinearity in some sense. Our proof is based on some inequalities in the Lorentz space, and a strong limit of Riesz potentials.
Type: bulletin (article)
Appears in Collections:理学院・理学研究院 (Graduate School of Science / Faculty of Science) > Hokkaido University Preprint Series in Mathematics

Submitter: 数学紀要登録作業用

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