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Optics-based surveys of large unicellular zooplankton : a case study on radiolarians and phaeodarians

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Title: Optics-based surveys of large unicellular zooplankton : a case study on radiolarians and phaeodarians
Authors: Nakamura, Yasuhide Browse this author
Somiya, Rei Browse this author
Suzuki, Noritoshi Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Hidaka-Umetsu, Mitsuko Browse this author
Yamaguchi, Atsushi Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Lindsay, Dhugal J. Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Keywords: Phaeodaria
Issue Date: 30-May-2017
Publisher: The Plankton Society of Japan
Journal Title: Plankton and Benthos Research
Volume: 12
Issue: 2
Start Page: 95
End Page: 103
Publisher DOI: 10.3800/pbr.12.95
Abstract: Optics-based surveys for large unicellular zooplankton were carried out in five different oceanic areas. New identification criteria, in which “radiolarian-like plankton” are categorized into nine different groups, are proposed for future optics-based surveys. The autonomous visual plankton recorder (A-VPR) captured 65 images of radiolarians (three orders: Acantharia, Spumellaria and Collodaria) and 117 phaeodarians (four taxa: Aulacanthidae, Phaeosphaerida, Tuscaroridae and Coelodendridae). Colonies were observed for one radiolarian order (Collodaria) and three phaeodarian taxa (Phaeosphaerida, Tuscaroridae and Coelodendridae). The rest of the radiolarian orders (Taxopodia and Nassellaria) and the other phaeodarian taxa were not detected because of their small cell size (< ca. 400 µm).
Rights: © 2017 Plankton Society of Japan and Japanese Association of Benthology
Type: article
Appears in Collections:水産科学院・水産科学研究院 (Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences / Faculty of Fisheries Sciences) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 山口 篤

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