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Archaeological Materials from Kalinino-1, 2 and Ivanovka in Southwestern coast of Sakhalin

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Title: Archaeological Materials from Kalinino-1, 2 and Ivanovka in Southwestern coast of Sakhalin
Authors: Gorbunov, Sergei Browse this author
Amano, Tetsuya Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Issue Date: 28-Feb-2002
Publisher: 北海道大学総合博物館
Journal Title: サハリンにおけるオホーツク文化の形成と変容・消滅 : 日ロ共同シンポジウム
Journal Title(alt): Okhotsk culture formation, metamorphosis and ending : Japan and Russia cooperative symposium
Volume: 5
Start Page: 160
End Page: 169
Conference Name: 北海道大学総合博物館公開シンポジウム
The open symposium of the Hokkaido University Museum
Conference Sequence: 5
Conference Place: 日本
Type: proceedings
Appears in Collections:総合博物館 (The Hokkaido University Museum) > 北海道大学総合博物館第5回公開シンポジウム (The 5th Open Symposium of the Hokkaido University Museum)

Submitter: 天野 哲也

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