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VoCC: An r package for calculating the velocity of climate change and related climatic metrics

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Title: VoCC: An r package for calculating the velocity of climate change and related climatic metrics
Authors: Molinos, Jorge Garcia Browse this author
Schoeman, David S. Browse this author
Brown, Christopher J. Browse this author
Burrows, Michael T. Browse this author
Keywords: biodiversity reorganization
climate change
velocity of climate change
species' range-shift
Issue Date: Dec-2019
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Journal Title: Methods in Ecology and Evolution(MEE)
Volume: 10
Issue: 12
Start Page: 2195
End Page: 2202
Publisher DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.13295
Abstract: Climate change is a primary global driver of biodiversity reorganization. The velocity of clisecondary functions, or to produce output for display (see mate change and related metrics describe the spatial change of climatic variables over time, allowing quantification of climate change exposure and connectivity, facilitating insights into the potential scope of species' range-shift responses. These metrics have been extensively used in climate-change ecology research and provide useful information for conservation. Multiple extensions to the original concept of climate velocity have been proposed since first presented nearly a decade ago. However, despite its utility, no software application is currently available that brings all these methods together. The r package VoCC fills this gap by providing a comprehensive collection of functions that calculate climate velocity and related metrics from their initial formulation to the latest developments. Here, we introduce the core package functionality through a series of applied examples. The collection of functions in the VoCC package represents a new, useful addition to the existing portfolio of tools with which to assess risks posed by climate change to species and ecosystems.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:国際連携研究教育局 : GI-CoRE (Global Institution for Collaborative Research and Education : GI-CoRE) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)
北極域研究センター (Arctic Research Center) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: Garcia Molinos Jorge

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